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The Single Mailer

Single mails to be sent are placed on the single mail queue. If the mails are to be sent immediately, they will have a status of Queued. If they have been scheduled to be sent in the future then they will have a status of Scheduled. The single mailers update the email status from Scheduled to Queued when the appropriate time is reached.

When a single mailer starts to send mail, it reserves a batch of emails for it to send. It then sends those emails sequentially. If problems occur during the rendering or sending of the email then the single mail is updated with the appropriate error code and description. This allows the administrator to fix the underlying problem. They can then resubmit the failed mails for delivery using the Control Center.

A single mailer can recover mail reserved by another single mailer but not sent. After a configurable time period mails that have been reserved by a single mailer and not sent will be updated so that they are no longer reserved by that process. They can then be sent by any running single mailer.

The following table displays a list of single mailer states:




The mail is scheduled to be sent in the future.


The mail is queued to be sent.


The mail is in the process of being sent.


The single mailer attempted to send the mail but it failed in rendering or in delivery.


The mail has been paused due to a change in dialog state.


The mail has been stopped due to a change in dialog state or dialog editing.

The following table displays a list of single mailer error codes:

Error Code


Bad Email Address

The recipient's email was rejected by the mail server.

Persistence Exception

An error occurred with the database when loading the email.

Failed to Load Campaign or Document

There was a problem with the metadata of the document or the dialog.


There was a problem in rendering the email.


There was a problem in rendering the email in a custom function.


There was a problem sending the email.


There was a problem with the document when rendering the email.


The sender's address was not accepted by the mail server.