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Understanding Web Documents

Web documents are individual web pages that can form a standalone web site, or be added to your corporate web site for the duration of the dialog.

Unlike an email document, where you enter your email text directly in the document, a web document is designed by first adding various document elements (such as paragraphs or questions) and then editing them as needed. The order of the items in the list determines their order in the web document. (For example, if you want a submit button to appear at the bottom of the web page, then the last item in the list must be a button.)

Using the Online Marketing document elements, you can design a basic web document that has all the fields you want respondents to fill in. However, you may want to include your company logo, or create a web page with a particular look or style. With Online Marketing you can merge the items in your basic web document with an HTML file created outside of Online Marketing, providing you the ability to create any type of web document you want. If you want even more control over the look and feel of your web document, you can use web templates that provide you with a framework you can fill in with your specific information.

A web document's content consists of elements. There are two types of elements:

  • Document fields

  • Profile fields

Each element must have a unique name in the document, and an element cannot contain another element. Online Marketing uses the following types of elements:




Text that is displayed in the web document. Used as: headings or paragraphs of descriptive text in a document.

Choice Question

A multiple-choice question where the respondent chooses from the choices listed. Online Marketing has four types of choice questions: Choose one, Choose one (w/rating), Choose many, and Yes/No.

Entry Question

A question where the respondent enters text or numeric information. Online Marketing has seven types of entry questions for Text Entry, Number Entry, Decimal Entry, Date Entry, Time Entry, Text Block Entry and File Entry.


A button that the respondent can use to submit and/or clear the information entered on the web document.

Horizontal Line

A ruling line used to separate different parts of the document.

Blank Line

A blank line (like those that appear between paragraphs) between two elements.

Custom HTML

Custom HTML code. Text entered in a Custom HTML field is treated just like any other HTML code by the browser; no processing is done by Online Marketing.

Each document element has specific properties, such as color and layout, that you can edit. Document elements can be cloned, and they can be reordered in the document by changing the order number in which they are displayed.

Online Marketing includes survey features built into web documents, allowing for integration with other PeopleSoft CRM products such as Support. Using the survey features, you can build customer satisfaction surveys and other documents allowing you to solicit feedback from your respondents, assigning weights to questions and responses for obtaining survey scores.

The Survey functionality is integrated with the Case functionality, allowing an Online Marketing survey to be triggered from the Case component and to have the survey results stored in association with the Case. Further, results from survey dialogs are recorded and are available for reporting purposes for the life of the dialog.

Understanding the Scoring Framework

The Scoring Framework is a term used to describe the process of assigning weights to survey questions and answers so that scores can be calculated for an individual question or for an overall survey. In order to have access to the Scoring Framework, a document must be designated as a Survey Document (this choice is made in the Document Designer). Weights can be specified for the question and for each of the answer choices for the following element types:

  • Multiple Choice.

  • Single Choice.

  • Single Choice with Rating.

  • Yes/No.

Weight values can be from –99 to 99.

Note that once you indicate that a document is a Survey Document (and thereby allow the use of weights for questions and answers) and take the document Live, you cannot later remove the document's status as a Survey Document. This is to prevent corruption of the scoring data that has already been calculated.

Score Calculation

The calculated score for an individual question is derived from answer weight * question weight. For multiple-choice questions, the calculated score is the sum of (answer weight * question weight). When a user submits a page, the question scores are calculated and the overall survey score (or running total score) is updated. Because a user's path of execution might lead from one dialog flow to another, or can be affected by premature exit from the dialog or visiting a page more than once, the overall survey score is adjusted accordingly. The following general rules apply when calculating survey scores:

  • The overall survey score is the total score of all the unique pages submitted in the path of execution, regardless of whether the pages come from a single flow or more than one flow in the same dialog. This implies that if a page is revisited and resubmitted, the latter submission's score will be counted toward the overall survey score.

  • A Landing Page determines the start of the overall survey score calculation for the flow of execution. If the path of execution takes a user to another Landing Page within the same dialog (through an internal cross-dialog link), the current overall survey score is recorded for the current execution flow and the score calculation will start over for the new flow, starting with the submission of the Landing Page. If the path takes a user to a Landing Page in another dialog (through an external cross-dialog link), then the current survey score is recorded in much the same way and the score calculation will start for the new dialog.

  • Question scores and overall survey scores reflect the most current (“Live”) state of the document and the dialog. During the life of the dialog, changes such as adding or deleting questions can be made to the document. New documents can even be added and switched (from one action to another) within the dialog flow. These changes have impact on the scores.

  • In a circular or cyclic flow situation, where a Decision Point takes a user to a previously visited Intermediate Page, the data (and scores) accumulated between the first visit to the Intermediate Page up until the Decision Point will then be removed and become available. This affects the score calculation.

Note: Rating Values in Choose One with Rating elements do not affect the score calculation.

Completed Surveys

When a user reaches the Final Page of a survey dialog flow, the system will indicate that the survey has been completed. Note that if the user traverses to a page in another dialog (through a cross-dialog link) or closes the browser before reaching the Final Page, then the survey is considered incomplete.

There is no built-in mechanism to prevent users from completing a survey more than once. However, for the purposes of reporting survey results for the Case component, only the latest completed survey results (per Case) are displayed. Incomplete surveys do not have any impact on surveys that have already been completed.

Lifetime of Survey Scores

Survey scores begin to accumulate once the web pages are made accessible by setting the dialog to Live (or Test), and will stop accumulating when the dialog is set to Complete status. The score data will be available even when the dialog is set to Complete. In general, scores will accumulate as long as the dialog web pages are accessible.

At the individual/question level, scores are recorded as the web page is submitted, along with other document data.

Overall Survey Score Restriction When Updating Cases

The Case component can use a survey dialog when the Update Case extension is used at the end of the dialog flow. Update Case, a system-delivered extension, is designed to update the case's survey score with the current dialog's overall survey score. Because the Case transaction can have a maximum score of 999, you should design any case-related survey dialog flows to ensure that the overall survey score cannot exceed 999.

See Understanding Extensions.