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Defining Online Marketing Business Units

To define Online Marketing business units, use the Online Marketing Definition (BUS_UNIT_TBL_RY) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Online Marketing Definition Page


Define Online Marketing business units that will be used by dialogs.

Use the Online Marketing Definition page (BUS_UNIT_TBL_RY) to define Online Marketing business units that will be used by dialogs.

Image: Online Marketing Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Online Marketing Definition page.

Online Marketing Definition page

Field or Control


Business Unit

The business unit defined for Online Marketing.


A brief description of the business unit.

Short Description

A shortened form of the business unit description.

Audience Warning Threshold

Specify a value which, if the audience size is greater than this value, the Dialog Check will display a warning.

Sales Business Unit

Specify a business unit to be used for sales leads generated through Online Marketing's Push Lead action.

Approval Required

Select this check box if approval is required before the online dialog can go Live. The roles that can provide approval are defined in the Global Options setup.