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Viewing Dialog Status

The Dialog Status section of the Dialog Designer page displays a graphical representation of the statuses of your dialog's Live and Design versions.

Image: Dialog Status

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Dialog Status.

Dialog Status

Note: If the dialog has never been Live, the Dialog Status section will not distinguish between the Live and Design versions; only one row without a row header will appear in the Dialog Status grid.

Field or Control


Live Version

This row displays current status information about the Live version of the dialog.

Design Version

This row displays current status information about the Design version of the dialog. You can make changes to the Design version without affecting the Live version. All edits to the dialog are done in this version.

Pass Through icon

Indicates that the dialog has passed through this status.

Moves Through button

This button moves through the grid cells to visually indicate the dialog's current status.

The link next to the button indicates the action you can perform at that point in the dialog. For example, if the dialog is in Live status, click the View link to view it. When viewing the Live dialog, click the link to view the Design version.

Pause button

In the Live version, buttons appear for statuses in which you can place the dialog from the current status. For example, click the Pause button to place the dialog in Paused status.

In the Design version, only the Test and Live buttons will appear. Note that if the Live version is currently in Paused or Broadcast Hold state, moving the Design version to Live will remove the Live version from these states and set it to Live.

Design Move button

This button moves through the grid cells in the In Design version, visually indicating the dialog's current status.

Revert to Live

If you have made changes to the dialog in the Design version, click this button to return it to the same state as the Live version.

When changing a dialog’s status to Live, Broadcast Hold, or Paused, the audiences associated with the dialog must be in either the Approved or Committed status.

When changing the dialog’s status to Test, if all associated audiences are of type External, the audiences must be in status Approved or Committed. If an Internal audience exists, the audience you chose from the Audience list for the testing must be Approved or Committed.

Once a dialog has been activated, you will only have access to audiences in the Approved or Committed statuses.