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Viewing the Transactions Report

Event Wire displays a report containing transaction information for external systems.

Page Name

Definition Name


Event Wire Transaction Report Page


Displays a list of all transactions attempted by Event Wire, along with their status.

Use the Event Wire Transaction Report page (RY_WIRE_TRANSACTION) to displays a list of all transactions attempted by Event Wire, along with their status.

You can search for specific transactions by entering information in the search fields, or click Search with all the fields blank to view all transactions.

Field or Control


Trxn ID (Transaction ID)

The Transaction ID to which the information refers.

Date/Time Created

The date and time when the transaction was first created.

Last Modified Date/Time

The date and time when the transaction was last modified.


The status code for the transaction.


Message describing the transaction's status.


The URL that was used for this transaction in the Event Wire API call.

See Status Codes and Messages.