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Viewing Assembly Information

To view assembly information, use the Assemblies Inquiry (BOMINQUIRY) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Review Assemblies - Summary Page


View the serviceable components that are defined for a given combination of setID and item.

Review Assemblies - Assembly Page


View a description of the service assembly and any recorded notes.

Review Assemblies - Components Page


View details about each component in the assembly.

Review Assemblies - Component Notes Page


View notes that are related to a specific component of a service assembly.

Field or Control


Quantity and Per

Displays the quantity of the component that is required for each assembly or order of the end item, in the standard UOM of the end item.

Use the Review Assemblies - Summary page (EN_BOM_INQUIRY) to view the serviceable components that are defined for a given combination of setID and item.

Image: Review Assemblies - Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Assemblies - Summary page.

Review Assemblies - Summary page

Enter search criteria for the service assembly that you want to view.

Field or Control



Enter the setID of the service assembly. The system populates this value with the default setID that is associated with your user ID on the User Preferences - Overall Preferences page, if applicable.

As of Date

Enter the effective date of the service assembly. If you choose not to show all components, the system displays only the components that are defined for the service assembly that is in effect for this date.

Item ID

Enter the end item for which a service assembly has been defined.

Assembly Type

Select Service. Although other assembly types are available, only Service is applicable for PeopleSoft CRM applications.

Assembly Code

Enter the version of the service assembly that is defined for the setID and item combination. Assembly codes can range from 1 to 99.


Enter the component level of the service assembly. To view all levels, enter 99.


Select the formatting method to display the service assemblies. Values are:

Indented: Select to display the service assembly components with each level indented relative to the previous level. If you select a depth greater than 1, the system automatically sets this value.

Non-Indented: Select to display the service assembly components as a simple list without indentation.

Show All Components

Select to view all components that are defined for a service assembly regardless of the effective date.

Level Code

Displays the level of the component on the service assembly.

Component ID

Displays the item ID of each component. Click the item ID to access the Review Assemblies - Components page and view details, including warranty information, about the component item.

Use the Review Assemblies - Components page (EN_BOM_INQUIRY_D) to view details about each component in the assembly.

Image: Review Assemblies - Components page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Assemblies - Components page.

Review Assemblies - Components page


Field or Control


Level Code

Displays the level in the service assembly at which the component item is defined.


Displays the item ID and description.

Op Seq (operation sequence)

Displays the sequence in which the component appears in the assembly structure.

Warranty Information

This section displays the warranty that you establish for the component item on the Item Definition page, if applicable.