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Understanding Tree Reorganization

Occasionally, you may need to change the structure of a territory tree due to a reorganization or expansion of sales activities. For example, you might add or delete territories, or restructure a part of the territory tree. Use the tree reorganization process to make changes to a tree. Typically, you use the reorganization process to clone an existing tree and then make modifications to the new tree. You can give the new tree the same name as the existing tree, as long as you assign it a new effective date. Alternatively, you can give the new tree an entirely different name. You can then view and edit the new tree as needed. The system uses the tree with the most recent effective date as the default tree.

You reorganize territory trees by using the process template provided in the Reorganize Territories component (RSF_TR_REORG). Each step of the process is keyed to the completion of the previous step. Typically, system administrators run the tree reorganization process. Users with branch access to a territory can run the tree reorganization process for the territory. You can give system administrators access to specific branches within a tree.

Note: Branch access is distinct from territory visibility. A PeopleSoft Sales user does not need branch access to access territories within a branch; the user needs only territory visibility.

When you reorganize territory trees, the system enables you to reassign the sales users for leads and opportunities. The reorganization process suggests a new territory and a new primary sales user for each lead or opportunity in a territory that you change or delete. When you clone a tree and make changes, you can generate a worksheet based on these changes so that you can see how the system would reassign the leads and opportunities. You can then override or adjust the changes, select which changes to accept, and then submit them to update the leads and opportunities.

Important! For territory tree reorganization, the assignment of sales representatives to leads and opportunities by the assignment engine is always territory-based.

In addition to the mass reassignment that is integral to reorganizing a tree, at any time you can individually reassign a representative's leads and opportunities to a different sales representative. For example, if the current representative is promoted or otherwise moved out of the sales representative position, that representative's leads and opportunities must be reassigned.

See Reassigning a Sales Representative's Leads, Opportunities, and Accounts.

The worksheets use predefined configurable assignment criteria to suggest the best fit for lead or opportunity reassignment. You might decide not to accept the system's suggestions; at this stage, you can make those changes. The reorganization worksheets are designed for fast performance, and they display a specified number of leads or opportunities.

The setup of the Configurable Search feature for the reorganization component returns a maximum of 300 leads or opportunities per search. The system displays a notification message if more than 300 are found. You may need to change this setting depending on the number of leads or opportunities that your sales force is handling at the time of reorganization. The system takes longer to present large result sets.

The Personalize Search feature is activated by default. It enables users to save searches and reuse them.

The Configurable Search feature can provide visual prompts about a search result set. At the top of the page, the system displays the criteria on which the result set is based. For example, if the data result set is filtered first by the lead assigned to the current representative (Stu Marx) and then by the new representative (Edward Allen), then this criteria would appear:

If you need to assign members of the results set to more than just Edward Allen, you can do so on this page.