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Closing Opportunities

This topic discusses how to close opportunities.

Page Name

Definition Name


Closing Opportunities


Close an opportunity.

To close an opportunity, access the Opportunity - Discover page (Sales, Search Opportunities), and enter the appropriate value in the Status field. Values are Closed - Won and Closed - Lost. When you save the page, the Opportunity Close Events page appears.

Image: Opportunity Close Events page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Opportunity Close Events page.

Opportunity Close Events page

Note: When an opportunity includes a prospect customer and you change its status to Closed - Won, you must either create a new Customer Data Model (CDM) customer using quick create or select an existing customer. You also have the option to push any prospect contacts to the CDM when saving the opportunity.

You must enter comments and other data here to close an opportunity successfully. Also, you must review the forecast items and either select or deselect the Forecast check box to include them in the forecast or exclude them.

After you close the opportunity, the system displays the actual close date and actual revenue on the Close tab of the Opportunities List page for the opportunity.

Field or Control



Enter a reason for the win or loss.

Actual Revenue

Displays the actual revenue from the closed-won opportunities.

An actual revenue amount is required to close the opportunity successfully.

Actual Close Date

Enter the close date; the system's current date is the default.


Select for each item that you want to include in forecasting from the closed opportunity. Ensure that the check box is deselected for all items that you do not want to include in forecasting.

Items from a closed-lost opportunity that have the Forecast check box selected appear in the pipeline as leaks. You cannot forecast revenue for a closed-lost opportunity.

See Including Opportunities in Forecasts.