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Sending Sales Proposals or Quotes to Customers

PeopleSoft Sales enables you to send a quote or a proposal package to a customer by emailing it or by sending a hard copy. A proposal package might include a cover letter, a quote, and attachments.

This topic discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


Lead - Discover Page


Send email to a customer contact.

Opportunity - Discover Page


Send email to a customer contact.

Correspondence Request Page


Create correspondence to send to a customer.

Correspondence Request: Templates Page


Edit the group of templates for the correspondence that you send to the contact.

Correspondence Request: Correspondence Summary Page


Review the correspondence request.

Search Correspondence Request Page


Search for correspondence requests.

Use the Opportunity - Discover page (RSF_OPP_DETAIL) to send email to a customer contact.

Image: Opportunities - Discover: Correspondence page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Opportunities - Discover: Correspondence page.

Opportunities - Discover: Correspondence page

Field or Control


Email Proposal

Click to access the Create Correspondence page, where you can instruct the system to send an email message with the sales proposal package to the contact. The proposal package consists of a personalized cover letter and quote with related proposal documents. The cover letter is the body of the email message; and the quote and related proposal documents are attachments.

View and personalize the merged data on the Create Correspondence page.

Correspondence Button

Click the View Proposal Request button to access the Correspondence Request Detail, where you can confirm that the request is logged, determine its status, and view the error log, if any. This button becomes active after you click the Email Proposal button.

After sending the proposal by email, access the History page to confirm that the proposal was sent and to view a list of all correspondence that was sent to any contact for the lead or opportunity. You can also access the correspondence to view its contents.

Note: You can access the Correspondence Request page by clicking the Correspond button on the toolbar. When you access the Correspondence Request page in this way, the system adds all the contacts for the lead or opportunity to the recipient list of the correspondence.

Use the Correspondence Request page (RBC_REQST_FORM) to create correspondence to send to a customer.

Image: Correspondence Request page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Correspondence Request page (1 of 2).

Correspondence Request page (1 of 2)

Image: Correspondence Request page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Correspondence Request page (2 of 2).

Correspondence Request page (2 of 2)

Field or Control


Template Package

Select a group of templates that defines the set of documents that you send to the contact.

Personalize Templates

Click to edit the template package that is sent to the contact.

In the Background Schedule section, you can specify when to merge and send the proposal.