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Setting Up Lead Reject and Turnback Reasons

To set up lead reject and turnback reasons, use the Lead Reject Reasons (RSF_LEAD_RJCT_RSN) component.

This topic discusses how to set up lead reject and turnback reasons.

Page Name

Definition Name


Lead Reject/Turnback Reason Page


Define reasons, keyed by setID, for sales representatives to use when rejecting or turning back a lead.

Use the Lead Reject/Turnback Reason page (RSF_LE_RJCT_RSN) to define reasons, keyed by setID, for sales representatives to use when rejecting or turning back a lead.

Image: Lead Reject/Turnback Reason page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Lead Reject/Turnback Reason page.

Lead Reject/Turnback Reason page

Enter codes and descriptions for rejecting a lead.

To reject or turn back a lead, a sales user must identify a reject or turnback reason on the Lead - Summary page. On the Lead Reject/Turnback Reason page, you define the possible reasons that the sales user can select.