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Viewing the Opportunity Pipeline

This topic discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


Segment Pipeline Page


Configure and view the pipeline of opportunities at different stages of the sales process.

Opportunity Revenue Pipeline Page


Configure and view the pipeline of revenue from opportunities.

Product Detail Pipeline Page


Configure and view the pipeline of products that are associated with active opportunities.

Use the Segment Pipeline page (RSF_PL_SEG) to configure and view the pipeline of opportunities at different stages of the sales process.

Image: Segment Pipeline page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Segment Pipeline page.

Segment Pipeline page

Field or Control


Show Pipeline By

Select how to organize data for the pipeline. Values are:

Business Unit.


Pipeline Segment. Pipeline segments correlate with stages in the sales process. This is the default.

See Setting Up Pipeline Segments.


Sales User.


Pipeline Type

Select the type of pipeline to render. Values are:

Opportunity Count: This count is based on the number of opportunities with the status of Open.

Revenue: This pipeline shows the estimated opportunity revenue from the opportunity sales teams' revenue allocation percentages. (You cannot render a pipeline from shadow allocations.)

Use the Opportunity Revenue Pipeline page (RSF_PL_OPP) to configure and view the pipeline of revenue from opportunities.

Image: Opportunity Revenue Pipeline page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Opportunity Revenue Pipeline page.

Opportunity Revenue Pipeline page

The Opportunity Revenue pipeline includes opportunities with estimated close dates that are within the specified time frame and with a status of open, closed-won, or closed-lost. Inactive opportunities are not included. Closed-lost opportunities appear as leaks in the pipeline.

Field or Control


Show Pipeline By

Select how to organize data for the pipeline. Values are:

  • Business Unit.

  • Industry.

  • Opportunity Status.

  • Period.

  • Pipeline Segment.

    Pipeline segments correlate with stages in your sales process. This is the default.

    See Setting Up Pipeline Segments.

  • Region.

  • Sales User.

  • Territory.

Pipeline Type

Select the type of pipeline to render. Values are:

  • Revenue: This shows the estimated revenue based on opportunity sales team revenue allocations.

  • Shadow: This shows the estimated revenue based on opportunity sales team member shadow allocations.

Time Frame and Period

Select the time frame and reporting period to use for determining revenue in the pipeline.


Select the currency used for the pipeline revenue amounts.

Use the Product Detail Pipeline page (RSF_PL_PROD) to configure and view the pipeline of products that are associated with active opportunities.

Image: Product Detail Pipeline page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Detail Pipeline page.

Product Detail Pipeline page

Field or Control


Show Pipeline By

Select how to organize data for the pipeline. Values are:

  • Business Unit.

  • Industry.

  • Opportunity Status.

  • Period.

  • Pipeline Segment.

    Pipeline segments correlate with stages in the sales process. This is the default.

    See Setting Up Pipeline Segments.

  • Product.

    When you select the pipeline type of Unit Count, the system sets the Show Pipeline By field to Product.

  • Product Group.

  • Region.

  • Revenue Type.

  • Sales User.

  • Territory.

Pipeline Type

Select the type of pipeline to render. Values are:

  • Revenue: This shows the estimated product cost based on opportunity sales team revenue allocations. This is the default.

  • Shadow: This shows the estimated product cost based on opportunity sales team member shadow allocations.

  • Unit Count: This shows the estimated product quantities.

Time Frame and Period

Select the time frame and reporting period to use for determining opportunities in the pipeline.