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Setting Up Solution Management Prompt Tables

To setup solution libraries, use the Solution Library Setup (RC_SOLN_LIB_SETUP) and Solution Relationship Table (RC_SOLN_RLT_TBL) components.

This topic discusses how to:

Note: The Solution History Setup component is no longer in use.

Page Name

Definition Name



Solution Library


select Set Up CRM, then select Product Related, then select Solution, then select Solution Library, then select Solution Library

Create solution libraries.

Security Filter Settings


select Set Up CRM, then select Product Related, then select Solution, then select Solution Library, then select Security Filter Settings

Define solution library security.

Solution Relationship Type


select Set Up CRM, then select Product Related, then select Solution, then select Solution Relationship Type, then select Solution Relationship Type

Define how solutions can be related.

Default Solution Template


select Set Up CRM, then select Product Related, then select Solution, then select Default Solution Template, then select Default Solution Template

Define a default solution template for a SetID.

Content Owner


select Set Up CRM, then select Product Related, then select Solution, then select Content Owner, then select Content Owner

Define content owner groups and associated members for solutions.

Use the Solution Library page (RC_SOLN_LIB_SETUP) to define solution library security.

Image: Solution Library page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Solution Library page.

Solution Library page

Field or Control



Enter a library name. If this library is associated with the library FAQ, then the name you enter is exposed to self-service users in the Customer Care - Frequently Asked Questions page.

Self Service FAQ

If the check box is selected, this solution library will be available to external customers using the Frequently Asked Questions page or the Troubleshooting Guide.

Use the Security Filter Settings page (RC_SOLN_LIB_SECUR) to define solution library security.

Image: Security Filter Settings page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Security Filter Settings page.

Security Filter Settings page

Specify the combination of user role, agent location, employee location, and customer region that are required in order to have access to the solution library. If one or more categories are specified, all categories must be met to gain access to the solution library. A category with no conditions listed implies no restriction is imposed based on that category.

Note: The Agent Location, Employee Location, and Customer Region grids are only visible on this page if a relevant PeopleSoft product has been licensed. For example, the Employee Location grid is only visible if the HelpDesk, Self-Service HelpDesk, HR HelpDesk, Service Center for Higher Education, or Self-Service Service Center for Higher Education product has been installed.

Note: Users can choose not to associate a solution to a solution library by leaving the library field blank on the solution definition. Security is not applied to solutions with no library.

User Roles

Field or Control


Role Name

Enter a PeopleSoft security role name to restrict access to this solution library to users with the specified role. An empty row indicates no role limitation is attached to this solution library.

Agent Location

Field or Control


Location Code

Enter a location code to restrict access to this solution library to agents associated with the specified location. An empty row indicates no agent location limitation is attached to this solution library.

An agent's location is specified on the job tab of the worker component. If the agent has more than one job, then all jobs will be considered. A match on location for one job is sufficient to satisfy the agent location condition.

Employee Location

Field or Control


Location Code

Enter a location code to restrict access to this solution library to employees associated with the specified location. An empty row indicates no employee location limitation is attached to this solution library.

An employee's location is specified on the job tab of the worker component. If the employee has more than one job, then all jobs will be considered. A match on location for one job is sufficient to satisfy the employee location condition.

Customer Region

Field or Control


Region ID

Enter a region ID to restrict access to this solution library to cases whose customers are associated with the specified region. The customer region is retrieved from the customer site address. If no region is specified for the customer site address, or there is no site associated with the case, the contact address region is used. If no contact address region is available, the customer address region is used. If there is no region available for the customer address, no region will be considered for the transaction

Note that address definitions may be created without an associated region: if you wish to implement solution security based on customer region, make sure the relevant customer addresses are associated with a region.

An empty row indicates no customer region limitation is attached to this solution library.

Use the Solution Relationship Type page (RC_SOLN_REL_TYPE) to define how solutions can be related.

Image: Solution Relationship Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Solution Relationship Type page.

Solution Relationship Type page

Field or Control


Solution Relationship Type

Enter a unique identifier for the relationship type.

Relationship Name and Relationship Description

Enter a short and long description of the relationship. The short description appears on the pages where you establish and review solution relationships.

Use the Default Solution Template page (RC_SOLN_TEMPLATE) to define a default solution template for a SetID.

Image: Default Solution Template page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Default Solution Template page.

Default Solution Template page

Field or Control



The SetID for which the default solution template will apply.


Select the default template to be applied to solutions associated with this SetID.

Use the Content Owner page (RC_SOLN_CONTENT) to define content owner groups and associated members for solutions.

Image: Content Owner page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Content Owner page.

Content Owner page


Field or Control


Content Owner

(Required) Enter the name of the content owner group. The system uses this field value for display when a content owner group is selected on the Solution page. The maximum field length is 50 characters.


Enter the long description (maximum field length is 80 characters) for the content owner group.


Select the current status of the content owner group: Active (default) or Inactive.

When you deactivate a content owner group, the system checks if it is associated with any active solutions. If yes, the system displays an error message and denies the status change request. If no, the system changes the status accordingly.


This section displays all members (with their employee IDs and email addresses) that are associated with the content owner group. Only active workers in the system are available for selection.

Field or Control


Add Member

Click to add a new row in the Members section to associate another member to the group.