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Understanding PeopleSoft Call Center's Self-Service Application Configuration

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Central to the self-service configurability options are display templates. When associated with the Case component, display templates control the appearance and behavior of self-service components and their pages. Implementers can show or hide pages, sections and fields, as well as adjust field labels.

Note: If you create a new display template for self-service transactions, you must define the new template for all the self-service components.

See Setting Up Basic Prompt Tables for Cases.

See Configuring Display Templates for Components.

See Understanding Call Center Business UnitsUnderstanding Display Templates.

RC_SUPPORT Display Template

The RC_SUPPORT, CRM_COM, CRM_ENG, CRM_FIN, CRM_INS and CRM_GOV display template controls these PeopleSoft Support self-service application components:

  • RC_CASE_SW_SS (Support - Manage Case)

  • RC_CASE_SW_SS_RPT ( Support - Create Case)

  • RC_CASE_SW_SS_SRCH (Support - Search Cases)

  • RC_SOLNSRCH_SW_SS ( Support - Search Solutions)

  • RC_SS_SW (Self Service Support Desk)

RC_HELPDESK, CRM_HHD, and CRM_HE Display Templates

The RC_HELPDESK (PeopleSoft HelpDesk), CRM_HHD (PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources), and CRM_HE (PeopleSoft Service Center for Higher Education) display templates controls the following HelpDesk self-service application components:

  • RC_CASE_HD_SS ( HelpDesk - Manage Case)

  • RC_CASE_HD_SS_RPT ( HelpDesk - Create Case)

  • RC_CASE_HD_SS_SRCH (HelpDesk - Search Cases)

  • RC_SOLNSRCH_HD_SS ( HelpDesk - Search Solutions)

  • RC_SS_HD (Self Service HelpDesk Desk)

If you include the Contact Me Regarding This Problem button on the self-service application pages, ensure that clicking this button sends the appropriate notifications. PeopleSoft delivers AAF objects (trigger points, action types, and terms) to support this process.

The delivered AAF objects send notifications to the assignee (agent, provider group, or call center manager). Separate email and worklist notifications enable the system to send notifications using the recipient's preferred notification method.

All self-service pages are enabled for chat. This immediate access to a live agent, if needed, encourages self-service adoption and enables organizations to eliminate potential customer frustration or abandonment by delivering real-time service.

See Understanding Chat.

Depending on system configuration, closed cases are generally associated with a successful solution. You define whether a self-service application user can close or reopen self-service application cases on the Business Unit - Options page.

When a self-service application user clicks the Close Case button to close a case, the Close Case page prompts the user for a reason. The system derives the successful solution from the reason that the self-service application user enters. Reason codes are tied to solutions which are then used to resolve the case.

There are two types of case closure reasons:

  • A predefined reason (as established on the Reason Code page).

  • A free-form text reason.

Note: Use the Reason and Solution Link page to associate solutions with each of the predefined reasons. If the user selects a reason that does not have an associated solution, the system creates and uses a new solution type: Canned. The reason code description becomes the solution summary. If the user enters a free-form text reason, the system creates and uses a new solution type: Adhoc. The text that the user enters becomes the solution summary. Users can enter multiple solutions to solve cases.

Self-service application users have access to predefined searches that locate cases that are associated with the user.

Case Accessibility

Self-service application cases can be accessed by:

  • Company representatives (contacts).

    In PeopleSoft Support cases are created mainly for companies. This is anyone who acts as a contact for the company, regardless of whether that person is associated with the case in question. You can also allow the creation of cases for consumers. When cases are created for consumers, the contact can be a consumer or another person.

    Note that in PeopleSoft Service Center for Higher Education, cases can be created by constituents (who have the role of individual consumers).

  • Employees.

    In PeopleSoft HelpDesk and PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources cases are typically created by employees. In PeopleSoft HelpDesk there can be an alternate contact. Employees acting on their own behalf are not considered alternate contacts.

    In PeopleSoft Service Center for Higher Education, cases can be created by employees: this is typically done by staff or faculty who need to create a case.

  • Managers

    In PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources managers can report cases on behalf of the people reporting directly to them. This functionality requires an interface to a human resource management system. In PeopleSoft HelpDesk managers can report a case on behalf of another worker, provided the worker has been properly entered into the PeopleSoft CRM system.

A person who is a contact for more than one customer (for example, a consultant who works with several of your customers) uses the Customer Selection pagelet in the PeopleSoft Customer Portal to indicate which company's information to access.

Case Searching

Self-service application users can search for existing cases in two ways:

  • Basic search.

    The user selects a search from a list of predefined searches.

  • Advanced search.

    The user can enter search words, including field-specific search criteria.

There are two categories of predefined searches (searches in both categories search across business units).

  • All cases: This search locates all of the cases that the user can access:

    • In PeopleSoft Support, company contacts can view all of the company's cases, including cases for which they are not the contact.

    • In PeopleSoft Support, consumers can view all of the cases that are reported on their behalf (regardless of the contact) and all of the cases for which they are contacts (regardless of the customer).

    • In PeopleSoft HelpDesk, employees can view all of the cases that were reported on their behalf (regardless of the contact) and all of the cases for which they are alternate contacts, even if the case was reported for someone else. The delivered name for this search is all my cases.

    • In PeopleSoft Service Center for Higher Education, consumers, company contacts and employees will be able to view their cases and any cases for which they are a contact.

  • Cases for which I am the contact: This search locates cases where the self-service application user is the contact, regardless of the person or company for whom the case was created.

    • In PeopleSoft Support, a person representing a company can view cases for the company that is being represented. They do, however, have to be the contact for the case to be able to view the case.

    • In PeopleSoft Support, consumers can view cases for which they are the contact. Unless another person is identified as the case contact, consumers are considered their own contacts.

    • In PeopleSoft HelpDesk, employees can view cases for which they are the alternate contact. This search does not retrieve cases for which the user is the employee and there is no alternate contact, even though the absence of an alternate employee implies that the employee is the case contact.

These predefined searches are based on the All cases and Cases for which I am the types:

  • All cases that I am contact for.

  • All my cases.

  • All my open cases.

  • Cases that I am contact for, last 30 days.

  • Cases that I am contact for, last 7 days.

  • Cases that I reported for others.

  • My cases reported in the last 30 days.

  • My cases reported in the last 7 days.

  • Open cases that I am contact for.

  • Open cases that I reported for others.

When you configure descriptions for the searches, you can set up different descriptions for each delivered role type: contact, consumer, broker, and employee.

Note: If you add additional role types that apply to self-service application users, you must set up corresponding predefined searches. The system does not do this for you.

PeopleSoft Support and HelpDesk self-service application users have direct access to solutions and troubleshooting guides.

Note: Troubleshooting guides and FAQs are used in PeopleSoft Support, PeopleSoft HelpDesk, and PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources.

Troubleshooting Guides

To make a troubleshooting guide script available to self-service application users, associate it with a solution library. You can associate solution libraries with one script only, so you must create a library for each script. When self-service application users select a script, they see the library name, not the script name.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Frequently Asked Questions self-service page gives PeopleSoft Support self-service customers access to solutions whose corresponding library has the External FAQ check box selected.