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PeopleSoft Workforce Communications Business Processes

Using Workforce Communications to create and analyze employee surveys requires that you perform a number of tasks. This topic guides you in creating a dialog and provides a brief overview of the specific tasks involved. They include:

Image: Workforce Communications business process

The following process flow illustrates the PeopleSoft Workforce Communications business processes, from the initial access and setup through final survey analysis:

Workforce Communications business process

Note: Because Workforce Communications bundles functionality from both PeopleSoft Online Marketing and PeopleSoft Marketing, you should familiarize yourself with the business processes and functionality of these applications as well.

Design and Roll Out

In this phase, the HR organization designs an HR program and rolls it out to the workforce. The phase consists of the following steps:

  • Define Program Objectives: Specify the measurable goals and objectives that the HR program is intended to accomplish.

  • Identify Target Audience: Identify the specific workforce population that the HR program is designed to serve.

  • Create Email, Survey, and other Channel Content: Compose rich, personalized email communications and interactive surveys for email or intranet deployment. Create other channel content like posters, postcards, flyers and so on.

  • Execute Program: Send out communications and deploy intranet web pages and surveys.

Participation and Feedback

In this phase, the targeted workforce population participates in the HR program and then provides feedback to the HR organization. The phase consists of the following steps:

  • Receive Program Communication: Received personalized email communications, links to web surveys, and other channel content.

  • Engage in Program Activities: Participate in program activities as outlined by the communication—for example, join an activity group or attend an HR-conducted event.

  • Complete Survey: Answer personalized, dynamic survey questions to provide feedback and other inputs regarding program effectiveness.

Insight and Action

In this phase, the HR organization evaluates program performance and survey results, and acts on the information. The phase consists of the following steps:

  • Send Follow Up Communication: Depending on how a respondent answered the survey, send follow-up emails and surveys if required.

  • Analyze Survey Results: Use analytic reporting tools to analyze survey results across the targeted workforce population.

  • Evaluate Program Performance: Gauge program effectiveness by evaluating metrics: for example, number of employees who opened an email, clicked on a survey link, completed the survey, and so on. Compare program results with intended goals.

  • Adjust Strategy and Tactics: Based on all information gathered during program execution, modify the current HR program or redesign it for its next iteration.