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Assigning Batch Publishing Rules

All applications can use common, centralized tables and pages to define how to publish incremental messages from an application program. The Publish utility uses batch publish rules to process the data from the application program.

This section discusses how to:

Note: You can link application programs to multiple publishing rules for the same message or different messages. The Publish utility treats each publishing rule as a separate publishing cycle.

Use the Batch Publish Rules page (EOIU_SOPUBATCH) to associate a rule with a message and characterize the rule.

Image: Batch Publish Rules page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Batch Publish Rules page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Batch Publish Rules page

Use this page to associate a rule to a message and characterize the rule.

The page elements and controls that you use on the Batch Publish Rules page are described elsewhere in this documentation.

See Common Elements Used in The Publish Utility.

Use the Record Mapping page (EOIU_SORECMAP) to map a message record to another record.

Image: Record Mapping page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Record Mapping page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Record Mapping page

Use this page to map a message record to another record.

Note: When running a batch publish rule, the Publish utility runs cleanup logic, which either updates fields or deletes rows in the source tables. If the source table is a view that contains a join, then the option to delete published rows fails.

Field or Control


Message Record Name

Enter the name of the record in the message that you want to map to another record.

Source/Order By Record Name

Enter the record name that the Publish utility uses to select data.

This page specifies the source data for a record in a message. It works in the same manner and accomplishes the same purpose as the Record Mapping page for a full table publish.

Use the Batch Programs page (EOIU_SOBATPGM) to assign an application program (PROCESS_NAME) to the publish rule.

Image: Batch Programs page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Batch Programs page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Batch Programs page

Use this page to assign an application program (PROCESS_NAME) to the publish rule.

Field or Control


Process Name

Enter the name of the COBOL, Structured Query Report (SQR), or Application Engine program that is marking the records to be published.

The Publish utility initially receives the process name from the batch parameter record that is created by the application program. The program then retrieves and processes each publish rule for the application process name. The process name can be any 12-character string, as long as it matches what the application program inserts into the batch parameter record.

If you select a flat file format, the Publish utility does not create a header or trailer message, and the utility ignores any chunking rules. Instead, the utility creates a single flat file.