21.4 Accessing Informational Updates

The Self Update feature also serves as a news feed, providing new product announcements, news stories, industry updates, and any number of other items of interest to the Oracle community. These informational updates occur on an ad hoc basis and typically include useful links where you can obtain additional information and download items.

  1. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select Self Update.
  2. On the Self Update page, click the Informational Updates link at the top-right corner, as shown in Figure 21-1. The link includes the number of new updates. A number appears only if there are new (unread) updates.

    Figure 21-1 Informational Updates Link on the Self Update Home Page

    Informational updates link highlighted on Self Update page

    The Informational Updates dialog opens.

  3. Select an update notification in the table and click Details.

    A popup appears describing the new product and listing applicable links.

    Figure 21-2 shows the informational update announcing availability of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Mobile, a new iPhone app that enables you to connect to Enterprise Manager remotely. Notice in this case that the announcement includes a link to iTunes where you can go to download the app.

    Figure 21-2 Informational Update for Mobile App

    Details of mobile app availability

  4. Click OK to close the details display and return to the table of announcements.

    By default, the table displays only unread announcements. You can choose to display all or only read announcements. You can also toggle selected items between read and unread states. Note that if you mark an item as read, you are doing so for all users. A warning to this effect appears.