14.3.1 Viewing the Oracle VM Instance Home Page

To view this page, click on the Name link in the VM Instances region in the Oracle Compute Orchestration Details page.

Figure 14-5 Oracle VM Instance Home Page

Oracle VM Instance Home Page

This page shows the detailed information for the VM instance. The name of the Oracle Compute Site with which this instance is associated, the number of CPUs, allocated memory, storage, networks, relative CPU utilization, and so on are displayed. You can do the following:

  • Attach Storage: Use this option to attach storage to the VM instance. Select one or more storage volumes and specify an index for each volume. The index value must be between 1 and 10. Click Attach to attach the storage volume to the VM instance.

  • Detach Storage: Select one or more storage volumes from the list and click Detach to detach storage from the VM instance.

  • Edit VM Instance: Select this option to modify the shape and network configuration for the VM instance.