62.9 Command Line Interface

This section describes step by step instructions for setting up the Cloud using Rapid Start Kit.Make sure all the targets are discovered in Enterprise Manager before starting with Cloud Setup Script.

62.9.1 Usage

-help option describes all the supported options.

Usage: emcli @database_cloud_setup.py [-exadata_target_name=<EM system target name>] [-dbaas|-pdbaas] [-cloud_boundary=<file name>] [-cloud_input=<file name>]

-pdbaas:This flag is used to setup Cloud for Pluggable Database as a Service.
-dbaas:This flag is used to setup Cloud for Database as service.
-cloud_input=<path to custom cloud input xml> [ Optional]
Cloud input XML defines Enterprise Manager entities created as part of Cloud Setup.
Default file config/dbaas_cloud_input.xml will be used for database setup
Default file config/pdbaas_cloud_input.xml will be used for pluggable database setup.
Use dbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml or pdbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml to perform an advanced cloud setup.
-cloud_boundary=<path to custom cloud boundary xml> [ Optional]
Cloud boundary XML defines scope for Zones, Pools and the Cloud Hosts.
Default file config/cloud_boundary.xml will be used.
Use cloud_custom_boundary.xml to perform an advanced cloud setup.
Pass Exadata Machine Target Name from Enterprise Manager when setup is running from non-Exadata machine and cloud is set on Exadata machine. This will perform simple cloud setup.
-help: Displays Cloud Setup help
For example:
Setup Cloud on a Cluster Machine or a set of standalone hosts:
Run the script on a cluster node or any standalone Machine:
emcli @database_cloud_setup.py -pdbaas : Sets up Cloud for PDBaaS using list of container databases given in cloud_boundary.xml
emcli @database_cloud_setup.py -dbaas : Sets up Cloud for DBaaS using given list of hosts and oracle home given in cloud_boundary.xml
emcli @database_cloud_setup.py -pdbaas -cloud_input=<Full path to Input XML> : Override the default cloud input xml.
emcli @database_cloud_setup.py -pdbaas -cloud_input=<Full path to Input XML> -cloud_boundary=<Full path to Input XML> : Override the default cloud input and cloud boundary xmls

62.9.2 Database as a Service (DBaaS)

The following command can be used to setup DBaaS.

ORACLE_HOME/bin/emcli @database_cloud_setup.py –pdbaas -cloud_input=<Full path to cloud input xml> -cloud_boundary=<Full path to cloud boundary xml>

where the -dbaas flag indicates that this is used set up Database as a Service.

The script retrieves the list of hosts and the location of the Oracle Home. Enter the following input when prompted by the Rapid Start Kit.

Table 62-11 User Input Details

User Input Description

Enterprise Manager Host Name


Enterprise Manager Port Number

Port number for the secure port.

Enterprise Manager User Name

Enter name of user with administration privileges (sysman).

Enterprise Manager User Password

Enter the password for the sysman user.

Password for the CLOUD_ADMIN user

This user is created by the kit. The default password is welcome1.

Credential verification.

Create the credentials when prompted by the kit.

If any of the cloud artifacts already exist in Enterprise Manager, the Rapid Setup Kit shows the message and does not create or modify it.The Cloud Setup script can be run again multiple times in case of any failure after fixing the issue. The kit creates the new artifacts and shows the message for already existing ones.

62.9.3 Pluggable Database as a Service (PDBaaS)

The following command can be used to set up PDBaaS.

ORACLE_HOME/bin/emcli @database_cloud_setup.py –pdbaas –exadata_target_name=<Exadata target name from EM>

ORACLE_HOME/bin/emcli @database_cloud_setup.py –pdbaas -cloud_input=<Full path to cloud input xml> -cloud_boundary=<Full path to cloud boundary xml>


  • the -pdbaas flag indicates that this sets up for Pluggable Database as Service

Enter the following input when prompted by the Rapid Setup Kit.

Table 62-12 User Input Details

User Input Description

Enterprise Manager Host Name


Enterprise Manager Port Number

Port number for the secure port.

Enterprise Manager User Name

Enter name of user with administration privileges (sysman).

Enterprise Manager User Password

Enter the password for the sysman user.

Password for the CLOUD_ADMIN user

This user is created by the kit. The default password is welcome1.

Credential verification

Create the credentials when prompted by the kit.

If any of the cloud artifacts already exist in Enterprise Manager, the Rapid Setup Kit shows the message and does not create or modify it.The Cloud Setup script can be run again multiple times in case of any failure after fixing the issue. The kit creates the new artifacts and shows the message for already existing ones.

62.9.4 Securing the Cloud Setup

The Rapid Setup Kit creates the Administrators as part of Cloud Setup. The kit allows the user to secure the cloud setup so that only authorized users can be given access to the selected functionality. If the user opts to secure the Cloud Setup, the passwords for the users created by the kit will automatically expire. Enterprise Manager allows re-setting the password on first login by each user. Expire Default Passwords

The Rapid Start Kit will ask for confirmation and will expire the passwords for all the users that are part of input xml.

62.9.5 Set New Passwords

Administrator should log in to Enterprise Manager as each user is created. Enterprise Manager will ask to set a new password on first login.

Note: If you want to re-run the kit after the passwords have been expired by Rapid Kit, new passwords must be set for CLOUD_ADMIN and SSA_ADMIN users before re-running the Rapid Kit and the new passwords must be used when prompted during the second run.