14.7.1 Uploading a Template

A template is a copy of virtual hard disk with an installed operating system used to launch an instance. The template must be a whole disk image (including a partition table and kernel) stored in a tar archive, compressed with gzip. To upload an template, follow these steps:

  1. Click Upload. The Template Management: Upload Template window appears. While uploading the template, the Template Scope can be:

    • Public: The template will be available to all the users. If you select this option, enter the name of the template in the Name field.

    • Tenant: The template will be available only to users belonging to the selected tenancy. If you select this option, select the Tenant in the Name drop down field and specify the name of the template. The template will be available to all users in the selected tenancy.

  2. Specify any additional attributes that will be used when the service instance is provisioned.

  3. In the Select Template field, select the template that is to be uploaded. The template you upload can either be present in your local disk or from the Software Library.

  4. Click Upload to upload the template. The newly uploaded template will appear with the following details:

    • Name: The name of the template. If the template is available to all users, the format of the name is/oracle/public/<template_name>. If the template is available only to users belonging a selected tenancy, the format is <tenant_name>/public/<template_name>.

    • Attributes: Any user defined attributes that were specified when the template was uploaded.

    • Quota: The quota specified for the template.

    • Uploaded Size: The size of the template that has been uploaded.

    • Total Size: The total size of the template.

    • Decompressed Size: The size of the template in its decompressed state.

    • Agent Configured: Indicates if the Management Agent has been configured for this template.