14.6 Creating Storage Volumes

  1. Click on the Storage icon to view the Storage Volumes page. A storage volume object is a single volume that can be attached to an instance. On this page, the name of the storage volume, status, size, and its properties are displayed.

  2. Click Create Volume. In the Create Storage Volume window, the name of the storage volume is displayed. Enter the size, description, and select a template for the volume. Click OK to create the storage volume.

  3. You can take a snapshot or a copy of a storage volume and make the copy available to users belonging to another tenancy.

  4. Select a storage volume from the list and click Snapshot Volume. In the Snapshot Storage Volume window, select a target tenant name in the Target Volume drop down field, and enter the name of the snapshot, specify the size, and a description for the snapshot.

  5. Click OK to create the snapshot and return to the Storage page.