What's New

The Oracle Fusion Middleware Management plug-in provides a consolidated view of the Exalytics In-Memory System and Machine within Oracle Enterprise Manager, including a consolidated view of all the hardware components and their physical location with indications of status.

This chapter highlights the following significant features and enhancements related to management of the Exalytics In-Memory System and Machine provided by the latest version of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Management plug-in:

Supported Hardware and Software Configurations

As Oracle releases new hardware and software, the Oracle Fusion Middleware Management plug-in is updated, tested, and certified to accommodate the new products, as follows:

  • Oracle Exalytics In-Memory System and Machine hardware:

    • Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine X2-4

    • Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine X3-4

    • Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine X4-4

InfiniBand Network Features

Management of your InfiniBand network through the Oracle Fusion Middleware Management plug-in supports the following environment enhancements:

  • Delivers lightning-fast performance to the world's fastest database machine.

Advanced Data Visualization Features

Data generated by your Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine can be viewed through Oracle Enterprise Manager, supported by the Oracle Fusion Middleware plug-in:

  • Instantly identifies outliers and patterns in large, complex data sets through speed-of-thought visual exploration.