4 Troubleshooting the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance

This chapter describes some common problems you may encounter with your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance (PCA).

The following troubleshooting topics are covered:

4.1 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Error Message

Problem: You may encounter a warning message in the agent log file about the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance.

Resolution: This is a known issue. The warning message can be ignored. Typically, the message will look like this:

2015-05-15 13:06:04,896 [87:75FBA055] WARN - Can not evaluate push properties for target 
for metric ComponentFaults - skipping this metric oracle.sysman.emSDK.agent.fetchlet.exception.FetchletException: 
Can't resolve a non-optional query descriptor property [MatchAgentAddr] (StorageServerIpAddress) at
oracle.sysman.gcagent.metadata.impl.PropertiesEvaluatorImpl$QueryPropsComputer.compute(PropertiesEvaluatorImpl.java:1013) at
oracle.sysman.gcagent.metadata.impl.PropertiesEvaluatorImpl$QueryPropsComputer.<init>(PropertiesEvaluatorImpl.java:859) at
oracle.sysman.gcagent.metadata.impl.PropertiesEvaluatorImpl.init(PropertiesEvaluatorImpl.java:346) at
oracle.sysman.gcagent.metadata.impl.PropertiesEvaluatorImpl.<init>(PropertiesEvaluatorImpl.java:210) at
oracle.sysman.gcagent.metadata.impl.TargetInstanceImpl.getPropertiesEvaluator(TargetInstanceImpl.java:1255) at
oracle.sysman.gcagent.target.interaction.execution.ReceiveletManager.addMetric(ReceiveletManager.java:344) at

4.2 Targets Still Appear as Pending

Problem: After discovering the PCA Rack, you may still see all SI targets are in Pending state.

Resolution: You must kill the stuck availability job in the OMS:

$ sqlplus sysman/sysman
SQL> SELECT job_subname, elapsed_time, cpu_used FROM dba_scheduler_running_jobs WHERE job_name = 'EM_REPOS_SEV_EVAL';
SQL> BEGIN dbms_scheduler.stop_job('EM_REPOS_SEV_EVAL'); COMMIT; END;

4.3 Import Component Step Failed for New VM Request

Problem: Import Component step failed for new VM request.

Resolution: In the OMS setup, determine the upload port, and update /etc/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.conf file on both management nodes.

  1. Get the "HTTPS Upload Port" for the OMS

    • On OMS host, login using the OMS install user. Example: oracle

    • $ emctl status oms -details -sysman_pwd <Sysman Password> | grep "HTTPS Upload Port"

  2. Below the existing block of ConnectPort lines, add the following line by replacing the <yyyy> with actual "HTTPS Upload Port" to /etc/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.conf file.

    ConnectPort <yyyy> 
  3. Restart tinyproxy (service tinyproxy restarts).

  4. If you have a firewall enabled, add this port to the list of ports enabled using iptables and restart iptables service.