7 Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents

While upgrading Enterprise Manager, all the JVM Diagnostics (JVMD) Engines are stopped as a part of the preupgrade process. Once Enterprise Manager is successfully upgraded to 13c Release 3, the JVMD Engines that were part of your enterprise before the upgrade must be re-created.

This chapter describes how to upgrade or redeploy Java Virtual Machine Diagnostics (JVMD) Agents. To obtain the latest JVMD features and use them to monitor the JVMs deployed in your enterprise, Oracle recommends that you upgrade your JVMD Agents to the latest available version.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:


For information about deploying JVMD Agents with basic and advanced options, see the following guides:

7.1 Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control provides a user interface and a perl script that enable you to upgrade and redeploy JVMD Agents, which are simple web applications (.war files). The user interface and the perl script enable you to simplify the process of upgrading or redeploying JVMD Agents, and upgrade or redeploy multiple JVMD Agents in one go. Alternatively, you can choose to use the WebLogic Administration console to download and deploy the latest JVMD Agent version.


Certain enterprise management tasks (such as configuring a custom certificate for OMS Oracle HTTP Server uploads, configuring a load balancer for multiple OMSes, etc.) introduce changes in the OMS configuration. These tasks may require you to re-secure the deployed Management Agents. If you re-secure the Management Agents deployed in your enterprise, ensure that you redeploy the deployed JVMD Agents, as described in this section.

You can upgrade or redeploy JVMD Agents using the following methods:


You can upgrade a JVMD Agent deployed on a particular Managed Server only if the available JVMD Agent binaries are of a different version than the deployed JVMD Agent version.

7.1.1 Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents Using the Engines And Agents Page

To upgrade or redeploy JVMD Agents on monitored WebLogic domains using the Setup page, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Middleware Management, then select Engines And Agents.
  2. On the Engines And Agents page, click Manage JVMD Agents.
  3. For Operation, select Upgrade.


    Alternatively, to reach this point, you can click the upgrade icon displayed beside JVMD Agents Count, on the Setup page. Note that this icon is displayed only if a software version different from the current version of the JVMD Agent software is available.

    If you select Expand All from the View menu, you can view the target name, target type, target host, target status, and so on of all the Managed Servers on which JVMD Agents are deployed.

    Select the JVMD Agents you want to upgrade or redeploy. Click Next.

  4. On the Target Credentials page, for each WebLogic domain, specify a value for Oracle EMAgent Target Host Credentials and Oracle WebLogic Domain Credentials (corresponding to the Admin server target), and then click Apply.


    In case host and domain preferred credentials are already set for the Admin server target, they are automatically applied to the domain, and it is not required to click Apply.

    Oracle EMAgent Target Host Credentials are the login credentials for the host on which the Management Agent, that is used to discover the WebLogic domain's Admin Server, is running. Oracle WebLogic Domain Credentials are the credentials for the Administration Server of the selected WebLogic domain.

    To set the preferred credentials for a WebLogic domain's Admin server (that is, the preferred EMAgent target host credentials and the preferred Oracle WebLogic Domain credentials), from the Setup menu, select Security, then select Preferred Credentials. Select the Oracle Admin Server target type, then click Manage Preferred Credentials. In the Target Preferred Credentials section, set the preferred host credentials and the preferred WebLogic administrator credentials for the required WebLogic Admin server.

    Click Next.

  5. On the JVMD Agents Configurations page (in the JVMD Agent Configuration section), do the following:

    If you want to upgrade or redeploy JVMD Agents on Oracle Cloud targets, select Configure Hybrid Cloud Mode, and specify the Hybrid Cloud Proxy Host and Hybrid Cloud Proxy Port that is configured in Oracle Cloud. When you select Configure Hybrid Cloud Mode, the value for Available JVMD Engine is automatically set to Other, as the JVMD Agent connects to the proxy host, which in turn connects to the JVMD Engine.


    If the Hybrid Cloud version has been upgraded to Enterprise Manager 13c, the Hybrid Cloud Proxy and the Hybrid Cloud Gateway used in the SSH tunnel between the target domain running in Oracle Cloud and the JVM Diagnostics Engine must also be upgraded to 13c.

    If you have not selected Configure Hybrid Cloud Mode, then for each WebLogic domain, a default JVMD Engine is selected for each domain. If necessary, to change the Engine selected for a domain, select a new Engine from list of Available JVMD Engine(s) and click Apply. All the JVMD Agents deployed on Managed Servers of the selected WebLogic domain will report to this JVMD Engine. Alternatively, you can select Other to connect to a load balancer in case of multiple engines and manually specify the engine host, port, and protocol details.

    In Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c, you can deploy multiple JVMD Agents that connect to JVMD Engines using HTTP or HTTPS. Hence, both the HTTP and HTTPS URLs for a JVMD Engine are displayed in the Available JVMD Engines list. However, if you have configured a load balancer in your setup, JVMD Agents can connect to the load balancer using HTTP or HTTPS, but cannot connect to the individual JVMD Engines using HTTPS. Hence, if you have configured a load balancer for your setup, only the HTTP and HTTPS URLs for the load balancer, and the HTTP URLs for the individual JVMD Engines are displayed in the Available JVMD Engines list.

    If the WebLogic Home and Middleware Home fields are displayed in this section, specify values for them. The WebLogic Home and Middleware Home fields are displayed if their values could not be obtained internally.

    Also, if the WebLogic Administration Server is behind a firewall or on a virtual host, the application may not be able to connect to it using the default information. In this case, you may need to provide additional information in the Advanced Domain Configuration section. For example, if the WebLogic Administration Server is on a virtual host, and the application cannot connect to it using the default host value, you must provide the virtual host IP address for Administration server host.

    Under Advanced Domain Configuration, you can specify Client java args and Lab Directory args that would be used in the java processes used to deploy JVMD agent.

    Client Java arguments: Java arguments to be used while connecting to Target domain's Admin server.

    Lib Directory: Default directory path where Jvmd agent libraries will be copied during the deployment process. You should make sure the directory path you mentioned is already created.

    Monitoring Enabled: To deploy an agent in monitoring disabled mode, uncheck the checkbox. You can enable/disable the monitoring using Configure JVM Target button on JVM Target home page.
    Advance Config
    For example, in Client Java arguments field some of the java args that may be required are:
    • Dweblogic.security.SSL.enableJSSE=true

    • Dweblogic.security.SSL.protocolVersion=TLS1

    • Dweblogic.security.SSL.trustedCAKeyStore=<path to cacert>

    Click Next.

  6. On the Review page, review all the information, then click Upgrade.

    When you click Upgrade, the Diagnostic Agents Deployment Status page appears, which you can use to monitor the progress of the submitted job.

    If you encounter any errors during the upgrade or redeployment, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation Guide

7.1.2 Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents using EMCLI

You can upgrade or redeploy JVMD Agents using EMCLI.

For example:

$emcli deploy_jvmd -deploy_mode redeploy

For more information, see Enterprise Manager Cloud Administration Guide.

7.1.3 Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents Manually Using the WebLogic Administration Console

You can choose to use the WebLogic Administration console to manually download and deploy the required JVMD Agent version.

Following are the steps to manually download and deploy the required JVMD Agent version:

  1. Log in to Weblogic console.

  2. Go to Deployments.

  3. Delete old javadiagnosticagent.ear orjamagent.war if there are any.

  4. Install the jamagent.war, which you downloaded from EM CC.

  5. Start jamagent app if not started already.

  6. Restart the server (required only if you had an old JVMD agent).

  7. Go to EM CC and verify if ServerName_jvm target gets created.

7.2 Verifying JVMD Agent Upgrade or Redeployment

After upgrading or redeploying your JVMD agents, verify the deployment of their new versions, as described in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide