1 Introduction to the Connector

HP ServiceCenter ConnectoroverviewThe HP Service Manager 9 Connector integrates HP Service Manager Version 9 (HPSM) incident management with Enterprise Manager. Using this connector, you can create, update, reopen, and close an HP Service Manager Incident (ticket) based on incidents in Enterprise Manager. The HP Service Manager Connector integrates Enterprise Manager with HP Service Manager through either an HTTP or HTTPS connection. Note that the term ticket refers to an HP Service Manager incident, and is used throughout this document.

The ticket generated by the connector contains the relevant information about the Enterprise Manager incident, including a link to the Enterprise Manager console to enable helpdesk analysts leverage Enterprise Manager's diagnostic and resolution features to resolve the incident. In Enterprise Manger, the ticket ID, ticket status, and link to the HP Service Manager console is the shown in the context of the incident. This provides Enterprise Manager administrators with ticket status information and an easy way to quickly access the ticket.

The following sections explain various HP Service Manager Connector concepts and requirements that you should understand before you start using the HP Service Manager Connector:

1.1 Auto Ticketing

Auto ticketing refers to creating or updating tickets automatically for any matching rule(s) in Enterprise Manager. You can define a set of event or incident rules for which tickets must be opened/updated for changes in underlying event or incident attributes. For example, changing event severity from Warning to Critical can update the associated ticket.

See Also:

"Incident Management Chapter" in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide.

After the ticket is opened, any subsequent update of the incident attributes or underlying event attributes, such as a change in underlying events severity, updates the ticket. After the incident is cleared in Enterprise Manager, the ticket is updated and you can optionally go to HP Service Manager to close the ticket.

1.2 Manual Ticketing

From the Enterprise Manager console, you can manually open an HP Service Manager ticket based on an open incident in Enterprise Manager. The HP Service Manager Connector populates the ticket with details based on the incident and the ticket template selected.

1.3 Ticket Templates

Ticket templates are XML transformation style sheets that transform Enterprise Manager incidents to a ticket format before the requests are sent to HP Service Manager. A ticket template specifies how an Enterprise Manager incident and its associated event attributes can be mapped to the ticket attributes of HP Service Manager.

These templates specify how Enterprise Manager incident attributes can populate the fields of a Service Manager ticket. A ticket template helps in the mapping of Enterprise Manager incident fields into Service Manager incident fields.

In Auto Ticketing, while setting up a rule, you select a configured connector and select the ticket template from the template list. The selected ticket template is used when a ticketing request is sent to HP Service Manager. For manual ticketing, you have to select a connector instance and ticket template before submitting a request for ticket creation.

1.4 Grace Period

The grace period enables you to prevent creating a large number of tickets for frequently created incidents due to reoccurrence of the same event.

For recurring incidents, the grace period is a time period during which reoccurrences of the same incident update (or reopen) an existing ticket for the incident instead of opening a new ticket.

For example, an incident triggers and a ticket is opened for it. If the grace period is one hour and the incident is cleared at 10:00 a.m., and if the same incident retriggers before 11:00 a.m. (one-hour grace period), the ticket that had been originally created for the incident is updated/reopened rather than creating a new ticket.

1.5 Retry

The “Retry" section, available on the connector configuration page, enables you to specify whether a failed ticketing request needs to be retried within a configurable expiration time.

Enabling the Retry option gives you the option of specifying whether you want to resend a ticketing request if the request fails the first time, and specifying the time period after which you want to abandon the retry. Enterprise Manager retries every 2 minutes until the request is successful or the retry interval expires.

1.6 Versions Supported

This connector supports the following versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager and HP Service Manager:

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release and higher versions

  • HP Service Manager 9.x

1.7 Prerequisites

Before using the HP Service Manager Connector, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Service Manager 9 service tier is installed and configured.

  • Service Manager 9 consoles are installed and configured. If the URL connector framework option is selected, the Service Manager Web console must be installed and configured. To install the middle tier, see the HP Service Manager 9 Web Tier Installation Guide. To configure the Web console, see Configuring the HP Service Manager Web Console for instructions.