1 Introduction to the Connector

The Hewlett-Packard Operations Manager Connector (version integrates Oracle Enterprise Manager with HP Operations Manager Unix, or OMU (version 9.0), through web services. Using this connector you can create, update, or close messages on the OMU system for any event generated in Enterprise Manager. This is a uni-directional connector so information only flows in the Enterprise Manager to OMU direction. Any changes made in OMU will not be reflected in Enterprise Manager.

The following sections in this chapter discuss these topics:

1.1 OMU Messages and Acknowledgements

Conceptually, events in Oracle Enterprise Manager are equivalent to messages in OMU. In OMU, a message is information generated for the operation whenever an event occurs.

In OMU, the term acknowledge has a different meaning than for most applications. Acknowledging a message in OMU means that an event has been resolved and the message is closed.


Do not acknowledge messages in OMU that have originated in Enterprise Manager. This will cause errors to occur whenever the corresponding event in Enterprise Manager is updated (changed severity, clears, etc.) and the connector tries to update the message in OMU.

1.2 Retry Option

The "Retry" section, available on the connector configuration page, enables you to specify whether failed operations need to be retried within a configurable expiration time.

When you enable the Retry option, you can specify whether you want to resend a Create or Update request if the request fails the first time, and specify the time period after which you want to abandon the retry. Enterprise Manager retries every 2 minutes until the request is successful or the retry interval expires.

1.3 Versions Supported

This connector supports the following versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager and HP Operations Manager:

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 1 ( and higher versions

  • HP Operations Manager Version 9

The base Enterprise Manager version number for HP Operations Manager Release is Enterprise Manager 12c Release 1 (