3.6.3 Creating Oracle VM Guest


You can ignore this section if you have upgraded Oracle VM Guest to See Upgrading Oracle VM Guest to

This section consists of following topics:

Downloading VM Templates

To install and configure Oracle VM Guest, you must download the latest VM templates.

To download VM templates:

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud web site at the following link:


  2. In the Select a Product Pack list, select Oracle Business Intelligence.

  3. In the Platform list, select Linux X86-64.

  4. Click Go.

  5. Select Oracle Exalytics Software Media Pack for Linux x86-64 (Release

  6. Click Continue.

  7. To install VM template on a Linux 6 operating system, download the template Oracle Exalytics Oracle VM Template, Part Number: V979027-01.zip.

  8. Save the template on a web server.

Importing VM Templates into Oracle VM Manager

After downloading the templates, you import them into Oracle VM Manager.

To import VM templates into Oracle VM Manager:

  1. Log on to Oracle VM Manager.

  2. Select the Repositories tab.

  3. In the left pane, select the Repository in which you want to store the template.

  4. Select VM Templates.

  5. In the toolbar, click Import VM Template to display the Import VM Template dialog.

  6. Select the Oracle VM Server and enter the URL or FTP server to the VM template that you downloaded on the web server.

  7. Click OK to import the VM template.

Creating Virtual Machines from VM Template

After importing the template in Oracle VM Manager, you use the template to create virtual machines.

Before you create virtual machines, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Ensure that Hyperthreading is disabled on Oracle VM Server.


    Oracle recommends that Hyperthreading be disabled when creating new virtual machines.

  • Maximum number of virtual machines you can create for a non-InfiniBand configuration on an X2-4, X3-4, X4-4, X5-4, and X6-4 Exalytics Machine is ten.

  • Total virtual processors (vCPUs) you can assign on Oracle VM Server for an X2-4, X3-4, X4-4, X5-4, and X6-4 Exalytics Machine is ten.

  • Total memory you can allocate on Oracle VM Server for an X2-4, X3-4, X4-4, X5-4, and X6-4 Exalytics Machine is 16 GB.

  • Review Table 3-2 for the total vCPUs and memory you can allocate on all virtual machines and the maximum vCPUs and memory you can allocate to each virtual machine.

Table 3-2 Total and Maximum vCPUs and Memory Allowed For Virtual Machines

System Total vCPUs for all Virtual Machines Maximum vCPUs for each Virtual Machine Total RAM for all Virtual Machines Maximum RAM for each Virtual Machine




984 GB

800 GB




984 GB

800 GB




1984 GB

800 GB




1984 GB

800 GB




1984 GB

800 GB


For the X2-4 and X3-4 Exalytics Machine, total memory on Oracle VM Server (Dom0) (16 GB) and all virtual machines (984 GB) cannot exceed 1000 GB. For the X4-4, X5-4, and X6-4 Exalytics Machine, total memory on Oracle VM Server (Dom0) (16 GB) and all virtual machines (1984 GB) cannot exceed 2000 GB.

To create virtual machines from the VM template:

  1. Select the Servers and VMs tab.

  2. Log on to Oracle VM Manager.

  3. In the left pane toolbar, click Create Virtual Machine.

    The Create Virtual Machine dialog is displayed.

  4. Select Clone from an existing VM Template.

  5. Perform the following steps:

    1. In the Clone Count list, select the number of machines you want to clone.

    2. In the Repository list, select a repository for the machine.

    3. In the VM Template list, select the VM template from which you want to create the virtual machine.

    4. Enter a name for the virtual machine.

    5. In the Server Pool list, select a server pool.

    6. Enter a description for the virtual machine.

  6. Click Finish.

    The virtual machine is created and is ready to be configured.

    To configure and start a virtual machine, configure a network on a virtual machine, and configure SWAP on a virtual machine, see Maintaining Virtual Machines.


    When you start the virtual machine for the first time, the virtual machine takes approximately fifteen minutes to initialize.

    For more information, see "Chapter 7, Managing Virtual Machines" in https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E64076_01/E64082/html/vmusg-servervm.html