Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center

Access the Product Database

12c Release 3 (


June 2015

This guide provides an end-to-end example for how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

1 Introduction to Database Access

This guide describes how to view the core product data stored in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center database using Oracle SQL Developer or SQL*Plus. You can use this information to integrate with other applications such as Cloud Control, or to pull data from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center datastore for analytical applications.

You can use these procedures to view data from an embedded or customer-managed database.

You will complete the following tasks:

  • Access the core product data using Oracle SQL Developer.

    If you are accessing the data using a tool other than Oracle SQL Developer, the same connection information is required, but the step-by-step procedures differ.

  • Access the core product data from the command line using SQL*Plus.

Some of the procedures described in this section use the ecadm command.

  • On Oracle Solaris systems, this command is in the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/ directory.

  • On Linux systems, this command is in the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ directory.

See Related Articles and Resources for links to related information and articles about the product database and the ecadm command.

2 What You Will Need

You will need the following:

  • A configured Enterprise Controller

  • Access to the Enterprise Controller system

  • A configured instance of Oracle SQL Developer, to connect using Oracle SQL Developer. This example uses Oracle SQL Developer 3.0.4.

  • Location and login information for the database, to connect using Oracle SQL Developer:

    • Database hostname: The host name of the database is listed in the mgmt.dburl property of the /var/opt/sun/xvm/ file on the Enterprise Controller system. The format for this property is: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<database hostname>:<listenerPort>/<OracleServiceName>.

    • Read-Only User Name: When your Enterprise Controller is configured with the embedded database, the username is OC_RO. If you are using a customer-managed database, the schema name is included in the mgmtdb.roappuser property of the /var/opt/sun/xvm/ file.

    • Read-Only Password: When your Enterprise Controller is configured with the embedded database, the password is randomized upon install. If you do not know the embedded database password, see the Database Management chapter in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration for information about changing the password. If you are using a customer-managed database and you do not know the password, ask your database administrator for assistance.

    • Listener Port: The listener port number for the database is listed in the mgmt.dburl property of the /var/opt/sun/xvm/ file on the Enterprise Controller system. The format for this property is: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<database hostname>:<listenerPort>/<OracleServiceName>.

    • Oracle Service Name: For embedded databases, the service name is For customer-managed databases, the service name is listed in the mgmt.dburl property of the /var/opt/sun/xvm/ file on the Enterprise Controller system. The format for this property is: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<database hostname>:<listenerPort>/<OracleServiceName>.

3 Viewing Core Product Data Using Oracle SQL Developer

Using Oracle SQL Developer, you can connect to the database using a read only account and view the schema structures and data.

3.1 Opening Oracle*Net to External Access

If you are using the embedded database, you must open Oracle*Net to enable external access before you can connect to the database.

  1. Log in to the Enterprise Controller system.

  2. Change to the user that owns the Oracle software. For example:

    $ su - oracleoc
  3. Modify the sqlnet.ora file to comment out the two lines beginning with tcp.validnode_checking and tcp.invited_nodes. For example:

    $ vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora
    #tcp.validnode_checking = yes
    #tcp.invited_nodes = (localhost,<Enterprise Controller Host Name>)
  4. Use the lsnrctl reload command to reload the listener configuration without stopping the Enterprise Controller services. For example:

    $ lsnrctl reload OCLISTENER

3.2 Creating the Connection to the Database

You must create a connection to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center database in Oracle SQL Developer.

  1. In Oracle SQL Developer, click the New Connection icon in the Connections tab.

    Description of sqldev_addconnecticon.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration sqldev_addconnecticon.jpg

  2. Enter the connection information, then click Save:

    • Connection Name: Enter a name for the connection. This name is only used in Oracle SQL Developer.

    • Username: Enter the schema name for the read only user.

    • Password: Enter the password for the read only user.

    • Hostname: Enter the database host name.

    • Port: Enter the Oracle*Net Listener port number.

    • Service Name: Select the service name option and enter the service name. For embedded databases, the service name is For customer-managed databases, the service name is included in the mgmtdb.dburl property in the /var/opt/sun/xvm/ file.

    Description of sqldev_newconnectwizard.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration sqldev_newconnectwizard.jpg

3.3 Viewing Data From the Database Using Oracle SQL Developer

Once you have created a connection to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center database, you can view product data.

  1. Select the connection you created in the previous procedure.

    The contents of the target database are displayed.

    Description of sqldev_selectconnect.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration sqldev_selectconnect.jpg

  2. Within the database hierarchy, expand the Other Users section, then select the application user and expand the Views section. If you are using an embedded database, the application user is OC. If you are using a customer-managed database, the application user is included in the mgmtdb.appuser property of the /var/opt/sun/xvm/ file.

    The database columns visible to the application user are displayed.

    Description of sqldev_views.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration sqldev_views.jpg

  3. View the comment column to find the location of the javadoc for each column. This javadoc explains the usage of the column.


    The javadocs are installed by the SUNWxvmoc-sdk.pkg package, which is included with the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center installation media. If this package is not installed on your system, use the pkgadd command to install it on Oracle Solaris, or the rpm command to install it on Linux.

Once you have access to the product data, you can integrate the data with other applications, run analytics on it, or take other actions that require the data.

4 Viewing Core Product Data Using SQL*Plus

If you have access to the Enterprise Controller system, you can access the database from the command line.

  1. Log in to the Enterprise Controller system.

  2. Run the ecadm command with the sqlplus subcommand.

    You can use the -r option to access the database in read-only mode.

    You are connected to the database using the SQL*Plus interface.

  3. Run commands using the SQL*Plus syntax.

    • To see a list of views:

      select view_name from user_views where (view_name like 'V_VMB%' or view_name like 'V_VDO%')
    • To see comments on a specific view:

      select comments from user_tab_comments where table_name='<view name from the above list>'
    • To see comments on all columns of a specific view:

      select column_name, comments from user_col_comments where table_name='<view name from the above list>'

5 Related Articles and Resources

See Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration for information about the product database and the ecadm command.

This document is available in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Documentation Library at

For more information on Enterprise Manager Ops Center, see the Ops Center blog at

6 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Access the Product Database, 12c Release 3 (


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