Configuring Oracle Commerce Cloud Adapter Trigger Request Properties

The Request page appears in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard when an Oracle Commerce Cloud Adapter connection is used as a trigger. The Request page lists business objects available in Oracle Commerce Cloud web hooks.

What You Can Do from the Oracle Commerce Cloud Adapter Request Page

You can select the business object to send as a request to Oracle Integration Cloud Service and then from Oracle Integration Cloud Service to the invoke endpoint. The endpoint is always configured as a POST action.

What You See on the Oracle Commerce Cloud Adapter Request Page

The following table describes the key information on the Oracle Commerce Cloud Adapter Request page.

Element Description

Oracle Commerce Cloud Business Objects

Select the business object that you want to send to the target system. These are the available business objects:

  • order:

    The details of the order created in Oracle Commerce Cloud. The order includes item and shipment details. When an order is submitted in Oracle Commerce Cloud, the corresponding web hook in Oracle Commerce Cloud is triggered.
  • profile:

    The details of a customer profile created in Oracle Commerce Cloud. This includes details such as the email, first name, and last name of the customer. When a new user is registered or an existing user is updated in Oracle Commerce Cloud, the corresponding web hook in Oracle Commerce Cloud is triggered.
  • return:

    The details of the return request created against an order in Oracle Commerce Cloud. The details that are included are original order details, return submitted date and the commerce details. When a return is created, the corresponding web hook in Oracle Commerce Cloud is triggered.

  • idle cart:

    The details of the abandoned cart in Oracle Commerce Cloud. This includes the cart information and the profile details for logged in users. When the cart is left idle the corresponding web hook in Oracle Commerce Cloud is triggered.