Configuring FTP Adapter Invoke PGP Configuration Properties

Enter the FTP Adapter invoke PGP configuration parameters.

What You Can Do from the FTP Adapter PGP Configuration Page

You can configure the following parameters on the invoke FTP Adapter PGP Configuration page.

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a data encryption and decryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for encrypting and decrypting message files. Message file encryption uses a serial combination of hashing, data compression, symmetric-key cryptography, and public-key cryptography. Each step uses one of several supported algorithms. Each public key is bound to a user name, an e-mail address, or both.
  • If you select to encrypt the message file, you are prompted to enter the following information:

    • Format the message file in ASCII-armor.

    • Select the cypher algorithm.

    • Select the PGP public key to upload.

  • If you select to decrypt the message file, you are prompted to enter the following information:

    • Select the PGP private key to upload.

    • Specify the private key password.

What You See on the FTP Adapter PGP Configuration Page

The following tables describe the key information on the FTP Adapter PGP Configuration page.

The fields that are displayed on this page are based on whether you select to encrypt or decrypt the message file to transfer using Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) cryptography.

Select to Encrypt

Element Description

Format the Encrypted Message in ASCII-Armor

Select to format the encrypted message in ASCII armor. ASCII armor is a binary-to-textual encoding converter. ASCII armor formats encrypted messaging in ASCII. This enables messages to be sent in a standard messaging format. This selection impacts the visibility of message content. If not selected, the message is sent in binary format.

Select the Cipher Algorithm

Select the symmetric cryptographic algorithm to use. Symmetric-key algorithms for cryptography use the same cryptographic keys for both encryption of plain text and decryption of cipher text.
  • CAST5

  • 3DES

  • AES128

  • AES192

  • AES256

Select the PGP Public Key to Upload

Click Browse to select the PGP public key to use for encryption.

Select to Decrypt

Element Description

Select the PGP Private Key to Upload

Click Browse to select the private key to use for decryption.

Specify the Private Key Password

Specify the private key password to use to decrypt this message. Only the private key belonging to the receiver can decrypt the key.