Configuring Gmail Adapter Invoke Operation Selection Properties

Enter the Gmail Adapter invoke operation selection parameters.

What You Can Do from the Gmail Adapter Operation Selection Page

You can configure the following parameter on the Gmail Adapter invoke Operation Selection page.

  • Select the Gmail API operation to perform.

What You See on the Gmail Adapter Operation Selection Page

The following table describes the key information on the Gmail Adapter Operation Selection page.

Element Description

Select Operation

Select the Gmail API operation to perform.
  • Notification Watch

  • List Threads

  • Get Thread

  • Trash Thread

  • List Messages

  • Get Message

  • Get Message Attachment

  • Send Message

  • List Drafts

  • Create Draft

  • Get Draft

  • Delete Draft

  • Send Draft

  • List Labels

  • Create Label

  • Delete Label

The Gmail resource URI and template parameter associated with your selected operation are displayed on the Summary page of this wizard.

For information about the Gmail API, visit the following URL: