Configuring Google Task Request Parameter Properties

Select the Google Task request parameters for your operation.

For operations that don’t have request parameters, this page is skipped when you click Next on the Operation Selection page.

What You Can Do from the Request Parameters Page

You can specify the following values and actions on the Request Parameters page.

  • Filter the list of available query parameters.
  • Select query parameters.

What You See on the Request Parameters Page

The following table describes the key information on the Request Parameters page.

Element Description

Query Parameters

Type the first few letters of a parameter name to display in the Available Query Parameters list only parameters having names starting with those letters.

For example, type show to display only parameters with names that begin with show.

Available Query Parameters

To select a parameter, click its name in this list and click the > button.

To select all displayed parameters, click the >> button.

Selected parameters move to the Selected Query Parameters list.

You can mouse over a parameter to see details about it.

Selected Query Parameters

To deselect a parameter, click its name in this list and click the < button.

To deselect all previously selected parameters, click the << button.

Deselected parameters move to the Available Query Parameters list.