Selecting an Operation

Select the LinkedIn operation you want to perform.

What You Can Do from the Operation Selection Page

You can select one of the following operations to perform on the user’s LinkedIn account.

  • Access the user's basic LinkedIn profile.

  • Access user information.

  • Post status updates on LinkedIn.

  • Share content on LinkedIn.

  • Get updates about user activity (for example, what the user has shared recently on LinkedIn).

What You See on the Operation Selection Page

The following table describes the key information on the Operation Selection page.

Element Description

Get Basic Profile

Gets LinkedIn basic profile fields.

Get Full Profile

Gets additional user profile fields.

Get Latest Shared Item by Member

Gets the most recent updates that users posted on LinkedIn or a list of the articles they "shared" with their connections.


Shares content on behalf of an authenticated user. Content is shared on the user's timeline.

Status Update

Updates status on the user's LinkedIn timeline. For example, when the user writes something on their timeline.