Configuring SurveyMonkey Adapter Invoke Operations Properties

Select the SurveyMonkey Adapter invoke operations values for your integration.

What You Can Do from the SurveyMonkey Adapter Operations Page

You can configure the API operation on the invoke SurveyMonkey Adapter Operations page.

Operation Description Introduced in Release

Create a Flow

Creates a survey, email collector, and email message based on a template or existing survey.


Get User Details

Returns basic information about the logged-in user.


Get List of Surveys

Retrieves a paged list of surveys in a user’s account.


Get Survey Details

Retrieves a given survey's metadata.


Create Collector

Creates a web link collector.


Get Collector List

Retrieves a paged list of collectors for a survey in a user's account.


Get Respondent List

Retrieves a paged list of respondents for a given survey and, optionally, a collector.


Get Response Count

Returns how many respondents have started and/or completed the survey for the given collector.


Create Recipients:

Adds a set of new recipients to an existing collector.


Send Flow

Creates an email collector and email message, and attaches them to an existing survey.


What You See on the SurveyMonkey Adapter Operations Page

The following table describes the key information on the SurveyMonkey Adapter Operations page.

Element Option

Select Operation

Select the SurveyMonkey API operation to perform.