Configuring Twitter Adapter Invoke Operation Properties

Enter the Twitter Adapter invoke operation selection parameters.

What You Can Do from the Twitter Adapter Operation Selection Page

You can configure the following parameter on the invoke Twitter Adapter Operation page.

  • Select the Twitter API operation to perform.

What You See on the Twitter Adapter Operation Selection Page

The following table describes the key information on the Twitter Adapter Operation Selection page.

Element Description

Select Operation

Select the Twitter API operation to invoke. Place your cursor over each operation to view a description of the operation.

  • Search Tweets

  • Get Followers IDs

  • Get IDs of Retweeters

  • Retweet

  • Tweet

  • Get Friends IDs

  • Get Trends for Place

  • Get Subscribers for List

  • Get Followers List

  • Get Retweets of Me

  • Get Friends List

  • Lookup Statuses

  • Get Trends Available