Create Your First Instance

Create your first instance of Oracle SOA Cloud Service on Oracle Public Cloud Machine.

Note:: The examples within this section use the URL prefix for the United States ( soacs). For information about the URL prefixes for other regions of the world, see Send Requests.
To create your first instance, you pass the following information on the cURL command line.
  • To define the request:
    • Use the --data option to pass the create.json file that you created in the previous task, Create the Request Document.

    • Use the -H cURL option to pass the Content-Type header to define the content type of the request document as application/json.

  • For authentication, you must specify the account credentials obtained previously, as described in Obtain Account Information, on the cURL command line, as follows:
    • Use the -u cURL option to pass the user name and password for your Oracle SOA Cloud Service account

    • Use the -H cURL option to pass the X-ID-TENANT-NAME custom request header to specify the identity domain name for your Oracle SOA Cloud Service Account.

For example:
C:> curl -i -X POST -u yourtUserName:yourPassword --data @create.json -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ID-TENANT-NAME:yourIdentityDomain https://api-host/paas/service/soa/api/v1.1/instances/yourIdentityDomain
The following shows an example of the response header returned.
Location: https://api-host/paas/service/soa/api/v1.1/instances/yourIdentityDomain/status/create/C0128211827/N0128211827
Content-Type: application/json
Service-URI: https://api-host/paas/service/soa/api/v1.1/instances/yourIdentityDomain/C0128211827/N0128211827   
The create instance process takes several minutes to complete. You can check the status of the instance creation operation using the endpoint returned in the Location header above. For example:
C:> curl -i -X GET -u yourUserName:yourPassword -H X-ID-TENANT-NAME:yourIdentityDomain https://api-host/paas/service/soa/api/v1.1/instances/yourIdentityDomain/status/create/C0128211827/N0128211827
The following shows an example of the response output.
    "service_name": "MyFirstInstance",
    "version": "12c",
    "wlsVersion": "",
    "status": "In Progress",
    "description": "My first instance using the REST API",
    "identity_domain": "yourIdentityDomain",
    "creation_time": "Thu Jun 25 22:19:26 UTC 2015",
    "last_modified_time": "Thu Jun 25 22:19:26 UTC 2015",
    "created_by": "yourUserName",
    "service_uri": "https:\/\/api-host\/paas\/service\/soa\/api\/v1.1\/instances\/yourIdentityDomain\/MyFirstInstance",
    "message": [
        "Created Compute resources for WebLogic Server...",
        "Created Compute resources for Load Balancer...",
        "Created security resources for the service...",
        "Starting Compute resources..."