Create the Request Document

Before your create your first instance of Oracle SOA Cloud Service on Oracle Public Cloud Machine, you must create the request document that defines the details of your create service instance request.

The following provides a sample of a request document in JSON format.
  "serviceName": "MyFirstInstance",
  "level": "PAAS",
  "description": "My first instance using the REST API",
  "provisionOTD": true,
  "cloudStorageContainer" : "yourRemoteStorage",
  "parameters": [
      "version": "12.1.3",
      "adminUserName": "weblogic",
      "adminPassword": "welcome1",
      "connectString" : "yourDBConnectString",
      "dbaName" : "yourDBUsername",
      "dbaPassword" : "yourDBPassword",
      "dbNetwork" : "yourDBNetwork",
      "shape": "oc1m",
      "VMsPublicKey": "ssh-rsa keystring xperiment",
      "type": "weblogic"
      "listenerPortsEnabled": true,
      "loadBalancingPolicy": "LEAST_CONNECTION_COUNT",
      "otdAdminUserName": "otdadmin",
      "otdAdminPassword": "welcome1",
      "shape": "oc3",
      "type": "OTD"

Copy the sample JSON document contents into a file named create.json and modify the attributes described in the following table.

This table describes the attributes in the request document.
Attribute Description
serviceName Use the following conventions to compose your instance name:
  • The name must start with a letter.

  • The name cannot contain more than 30 characters.

  • The name cannot contain special characters other than the hyphen character.

description An optional description of the instance.
topology Topology or service type. Valid values are:
  • osb - Oracle Service Bus Topology

  • soa - Service Oriented Architecture

  • soaosb - Both OSB and SOA Topology

  • b2b - Both B2B (Business to Business) and SOA Topology

  • mft - MFT (Managed File Transfer) Topology


URI of the remote storage disk used to store your service instance backups.

publicNetwork Path to the network from which the Oracle SOA Cloud Service REST API is accessed.
managedServerCount Number of managed servers. Allowed values are 1, 2, or 4.
adminUserName User name for WebLogic Server administrator.

The name must be between 8 and 128 characters long and cannot contain any of the following characters.

  • Tab

  • Brackets

  • Parentheses

  • These special characters:
    • Left angle bracket (<)

    • Right angle bracket (>)

    • Ampersand (&)

    • Pound sign (#)

    • Pipe symbol (|)

    • Question mark (?)

adminPassword Password for WebLogic Server administrator. The password must meet these requirements:
  • Starts with a letter

  • Is between 8 and 30 characters long

  • Contains letters, at least one number, and, optionally, any number of these special characters:
    • Dollar sign ($)

    • Pound sign (#)

    • Underscore (_)
otdAdminUserName User name for Oracle Traffic Director administrator. Subject to the same constraints as adminUserName.

This value defaults to the WebLogic Server administrator user name if not specified.

otdAdminPassword Password for Oracle Traffic Director administrator. Subject to the same constraints as adminPassword.

This value defaults to the WebLogic Server administrator password if not specified.


String that is used to connect the database.

The connection string must be the fully qualified name, entered using one of the following formats:

  • host:port/SID

  • host:port/serviceName

If the topology is b2b or mft, use of an external database is not supported.


User name for the database network administrator.


Password for the database network administrator.


Path to the network through which the Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance accesses the database.

VMsPublicKey Name of the file that contains the public key for the secure shell (SSH). This key will be used for authentication when connecting to the Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance using an SSH client.

You generate an SSH public-private key pair using a standard SSH key generation tool. For more information, see Prerequisites listed in Quick Start.

You must specify this value for both the service instance and the load balancer.