Viewing vCables

A virtual cable (vCable) is an internal representation of the link between an instance's network interface and a specific network. A vCable is created automatically when an instance is launched and is deleted when the instance is deleted. When a vCable is deleted (on instance termination), entities that depend on them are also deleted.

Discover vCables

This API enables you to discover vCable objects in a specific container.


The discover API calls display the names of the objects in the specified container, not the details about the objects. To list the names of the objects, you must set the Accept header to application/oracle-compute-v3+directory+json. For all other purposes, you must set the Accept header to application/oracle-compute-v3+json.



REST Resource




URI Parameter

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical namespace for vCables. For example, /mytenant/public/myvcable

Example URI

Example Response Body

    "result": [

Get vCable

This API enables you to retrieve information for a specific vCable.



REST Resource




URI Parameter

Parameter Description
name Name of vCable.

Example URI

Example Response Body

  "owner": {"type": "tenant", "name": "mytenant"}, 
  "ip": "", 
  "netmask": "", 
  "type": "IPoIB"
 "vethernet_id": "-1", 
 "vnetreservation": "/mytenant/public/vnetres2", 
 "uri": "", 
 "options": {}, 
 "instance": "/mytenant/public/32970825-74b9-4a19-aa84-570eabed8325", 
 "vnet": "/mytenant/public/IPoIB-Test", 
 "vethernet": "/mytenant/public/default", 
 "address": [null, ""], 
 "model": "", 
 "vethernet_type": "ipoib",  
 "id": "/mytenant/public/450e9885-42a0-44ec-b102-9bbaf9c2c1e0", 
 "dhcp_options": []

List vCables

This API enables you to retrieve information for vCables in a specific container.



REST Resource




URI Parameters

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical namespace for vCables. For example, /mytenant/public/myvcable
vnet=vnetValue (Optional) The path of the vNET used to create the vCable.

If specified, the vCable listing is scoped to only include vCables linked to the specified vNET.


(Optional) The vEthernet Id for the vCable. If specified, the vCable listing is scoped to only include vCables with the specified Id. The parameter is always set to -1 for infiniband networks.

vethernet_type=vethernet_typeValue (Optional) The type of vEthernet for the vCable. Possible values are ipoib or eoib.

If specified, the vCable listing will be scoped to only include vCables linked to vEthernets of the specified type.


(Optional) Unique identifier of the particular vCable for which you want to retrieve info.

instance=instanceValue (Optional)  A specific instance you want to list vCables for.

If specified, the listing will be scoped to only include vCables linked to this specific instance.

vethernet=vethernetValue (Optional) The path of the vEthernet used to create the vCable. 

If specified, the listing will be scoped to only include vCables linked to this specific vEthernet.

Example URI

Example Response Body

   "vethernet_id": "0", 
   "uri": "", 
   "proxyuri": null, 
   "instance": "/mytenant/public/917385c0-7951-4463-bafa-d817b9174bf5", 
   "vethernet": "/oracle/public/default", 
   "address": ["c6:b0:3a:0a:bf:6c", ""], 
   "model": "", 
   "vethernet_type": "vlan", 
   "id": "/mytenant/public/06202d2e-3c30-42ca-974f-61cfdeb37120"