Managing vNET

A virtual network (vNET) is deployed in the scope of a service network or tenant network. vNET represents an IP subnet and defines an IP address range. You require a vEthernet to create a vNET.

Add vNET

This API enables you to add a new virtual network for a tenant.


The tenant users can only add vNETs that are tied to IPoIB vEthernets. However, if EoIB vNET is needed the Oracle Cloud Administrator must create it in the tenancy for the tenant user to use.



REST Resource




Request Body Parameters

Parameter Description
name An unique hierarchical name for a vNET . For example, /mytenant/public/myvnet

Object names can contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and periods. Object names are case-sensitive.

vethernet vEthernet to be associated with this vNET. For tenant user, only IPoIB vEthernet is supported.
cidr (Optional) Specifies the subnet Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for vNET. Optional for IPoIB network.

Format: ip_address/#. For example,

If cidr is not specified for IPoIB type networks, then global_ip_num parameter must be specified.

ipranges (Optional) IP address range for the vNET. It is a comma separated list and can have individual IP addresses or ranges using “-“ as a separator. For example,,

If no IP range is provided, the entire CIDR is used for IP addresses, that is from .1 to .254.

description (Optional) Description to correlate this vNET with internal tenant schema.
global_ip_num (Optional) Specifies the number of IP addresses to be used from the global IP pool. Not valid for EoIB network.

If the global IP pool is enabled in Oracle Compute, using this option will create a vNET by allocating a specified number of IP addresses from the global pool of IP addresses to guarantee uniqueness. This option is mutually exclusive of cidr and ipranges options.

Example URI

Example Request Body

{"global_ip_num": 30, "name": "/mytenant/public/IPoIB-Test", "vethernet": "/mytenant/public/default", "description": "Testing vnet creation"} 

Example Response Body

 "status": {"total": 30, "reserved": 0, "failed_allocations": 0, "used": 0}, 
 "account": "/mytenant/default", 
 "infranet": false, 
 "description": "Testing vnet creation", 
 "uri": "", 
 "eth_idx": null, 
 "global_ip_num": 30, 
 "ipranges": [""], 
 "vethernet": "/mytenant/public/default", 
 "free_ipranges": [""], 
 "cidr": "", 
 "gateway": null, 
 "name": "/mytenant/public/IPoIB-Test"

Delete vNET

This API enables you to delete an existing vNET entity. You cannot delete a vNET if it is used by any instance, or if there is an existing vNET Reservation associated with the vNET.



REST Resource




URI Parameter

Parameter Description
name An unique hierarchical name for a vNET. For example, /mytenant/public/myvnet

Example URI

Update vNet

This API enables you to update information for a specific tenant vNET.


The tenant users can only update vNETs that are tied to IPoIB vEthernets.



REST Resource




URI Parameter

Parameter Description
name An unique hierarchical name for a vNET . For example, /mytenant/public/myvnet

Object names can contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and periods. Object names are case-sensitive.

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Description
vethernet vEthernet to be associated with this vNET. For tenant user, only IPoIB type vEthernet is supported.
cidr (Optional) Specifies the subnet Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for vNET. Optional for IPoIB type network.

Format: ip_address/#. For example,

ipranges (Optional) IP address range for the vNET. It is a comma separated list and can have individual IP addresses or ranges using “-“ as a separator. For example,,

If no IP range is provided, the entire CIDR is used for IP addresses, that is from .1 to .254.

description (Optional) Description to correlate this vNET with internal tenant schema.
global_ip_num (Optional) Specifies the number of IP addresses to be used from the global IP pool. Not valid for EoIB type network.

If the global IP pool is enabled in Oracle Compute, using this option will create a vNET by allocating a specified number of IP addresses from the global pool of IP addresses to guarantee uniqueness. This option is mutually exclusive of cidr and ipranges options.

Example URI

Example Request Body

 "description": "Updated Desc.", 
 "vethernet": "/mytenant/public/default", 
 "name": "/mytenant/public/IPoIB-Test"

Example Response Body

 "status": {"total": 62, "reserved": 0, "failed_allocations": 0, "used": 0}, 
 "account": "/mytenant/default", 
 "infranet": false, 
 "description": "Updated Desc.", 
 "uri": "", 
 "eth_idx": null, 
 "global_ip_num": 62, 
 "ipranges": [""], 
 "vethernet": "/mytenant/public/default", 
 "free_ipranges": [""], 
 "cidr": "", 
 "gateway": null, 
 "name": "/mytenant/public/IPoIB-Test"

Retrieve vNET Details

You can retrieve vNET details by using the REST API.


You can view the details of any vNET in your own tenancy, as well as vNETs you have been given access to by the Oracle Cloud Administrator.

Discover vNET

This API enables you to discover a list of configured vNETs in a specific container or subcontainer.


The discover API calls display the names of the objects in the specified container, not the details about the objects. To list the names of the objects, you must set the Accept header to application/oracle-compute-v3+directory+json. For all other purposes, you must set the Accept header to application/oracle-compute-v3+json.



REST Resource




URI Parameter

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for vNET. For example, /mytenant/public/

Example URI

Example Response Body


Get vNET

This API enables you to retrieve information for a specific vNET.



REST Resource




URI Parameter

Parameter Description
name An unique hierarchical name for a vNET . For example, /mytenant/public/myvnet

Example URI

Example Response Body

"permissions": {"object": [...]}, 
"vnet": "/mytenant/public/IPoIB-OMS-c2", 
"uri": "",
"name": "/mytenant/public/IPoIB-OMS-c2", 
"provider": false

List vNET

This API enables you to retrieve information for all the vNETs in a specific container.



REST Resource




URI Parameter

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical namespace for vNET. For example, /mytenant/public/myvNET

Example URI

Example Response Body

                "status": {"total": 32766, "reserved": 6, "failed_allocations": 0, "used": 9},
                "account": null, 
                "infranet": true, 
                "description": "Infrastructure vNet: mytenant/public/IPoIB-virt-admin-c2", 
                "uri": "", 
                "eth_idx": null, 
                "global_ip_num": null, 
                "ipranges": [""],
                "vethernet": "/mytenant/public/IPoIB-virt-admin-c2", 
                "cidr": "",  
                "gateway": null, 
                "name": "/mytenant/public/IPoIB-virt-admin-c2"