Viewing Shapes

Shapes define the compute resources for an instance. You can view the shapes that are available to your tenant. Contact your Oracle Cloud Administrator if you need a shape with a different configuration.

discover shapes

This command enables you to determine what shapes you have access to in a specific container.


oracle-compute discover shape container

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for shapes


$ oracle-compute discover shape /

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute discover shape /

get shape

This command enables you to retrieve information for a specific shape.


oracle-compute get shape name

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name Name of the shape


$ oracle-compute get shape myshape

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute get shape myshape
uri                               name         cpus        ram
https://api/shape/myshape         myshape      32.0        122880

list shape

This command enables you to list information about shapes. The only valid container for shape is /.


oracle-compute list shape container [--name]

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for shapes. It is always set to /.
--name (Optional) Name of the shape


$ oracle-compute list shape /

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute list shape /
uri                                    name                 cpus                ram
https://api/shape/oc4m                 oc4m                 16.0                122880
https://api/shape/myshape              myshape              32.0                122880
https://api/shape/oc3m                 oc3m                 8.0                 61440
https://api/shape/oc5m                 oc5m                 32.0                245760
https://api/shape/SMALL                SMALL                1.0                 4096
https://api/shape/oc1m                 oc1m                 2.0                 15360
https://api/shape/LARGE                LARGE                2.0                 8192
https://api/shape/oc2m                 oc2m                 4.0                 30720
https://api/shape/oc1                  oc1                  2.0                 16384