Set Up the Patch Bundle

To set up the patch bundle on the repository server, do the following:

  1. Download the patch bundle from My Oracle Support.
    1. Navigate to My Oracle Support at:
    2. Log in with your My Oracle Support account.
    3. Click the Patches & Updates tab.
    4. Under the Patch Search section, click Product or Family (Advanced).
    5. In the Product field, enter Oracle Public Cloud Machine.
    6. In the Release field, select the release that you are currently running.
      For example, if you were upgraded from release 16.3.1 to 17.1.2, select Oracle Public Cloud Machine
    7. Click the Search button.
      The patch bundle is typically called Patchset For Oracle-Compute Instance OS Release - X.Y.Z, where X.Y.Z denotes the version number.
    8. Click the patch bundle that is displayed.
    9. Click the Download button.
    10. To start the download, click the filename of the patch.
  2. On your local repository server, switch to the root user.
  3. Create a patchrepo directory in the DocumentRoot directory of the server. By default, the DocumentRoot is /var/www/html:
    mkdir /var/www/html/patchrepo
  4. Navigate to the patchrepo directory
    cd /var/www/html/patchrepo
  5. Copy the patch bundle from the machine on which you downloaded the bundle to this location:
    scp Address_Of_Machine:Full_Path_to_Bundle /var/www/html/patchrepo 
  6. Unzip the downloaded bundle:
    unzip FileNameofBundle



    The .tgzpatch bundle and the readme file are extracted.

  7. Extract the .tgz bundle:
    tar --no-same-owner -xvf FileNameofTgzBundle


    tar --no-same-owner -xvf p25468544_1712-64-Linux-x64.tgz
    The following directories are created:
    • additional_packages (17.1.2 bundle only)

    • scripts (17.1.2 bundle only)

    • template

    • updates

  8. Edit the template/exalogic.repo
    vi template/exalogic.repo
  9. If the file has the following lines, delete them:
    name = exalogic
    baseurl = http://<http-server>:<port><DocumentRoot/SubDirectory>/base/active/$releasever/$basearch
    gpgcheck = 0
    enabled = 1
  10. Under [exalogic-updates], replace the following:
    • Replace <http-server> with the address of the server.

    • Replace <port> to 80 if you are using the default port.

    • Replace <DocumentRoot/SubDirectory> with /patchrepo

    name = exalogic-updates
    baseurl = http://myhost.mydomain:80/patchrepo/updates/active/$releasever/$basearch
    gpgcheck = 0
    enabled = 1
    [root@http-server template]#
  11. Start the httpd server:
    service httpd start
  12. Verify that the httpd server is running by accessing the patchrepo location in a browser.