Patch Your Instances

Describes how to patch your instances to the required version.

Patch Your 16.1.2 or 16.3.1 Instances to 17.1.2

  1. Log in to the instance you want to patch as the root user.

  2. Navigate to the /etc/yum.repos.d directory

    cd /etc/yum.repos.d
  3. Download the exalogic.repo file from the repository server to your instance:

    wget http://http-repo-server:port/patchrepo/template/exalogic.repo
  4. Identify the version of Oracle Linux of your guest instance:

    lsb_release -rs | cut -f1 -d.
    • If 6 appears, the instance is an Oracle Linux 6 instance.

    • If 5 appears, the instance is an Oracle Linux 5 instance.

  5. Based on the OS of your guest instance, patch the instance as follows:
    • For Oracle Linux 6 instances:
      1. Download the following scripts using wget:

        wget http://http-repo-server:port/patchrepo/scripts/
        wget http://http-repo-server:port/patchrepo/scripts/
      2. Add execute permissions to the downloaded scripts:

        chmod +x
      3. Update the instance:

      4. Shut down the instance as described in Shutting Down an Instance

      5. Restart the instance as described in Restarting an Instance

      6. Wait for the instance to be accessible.

      7. Log in to the instance as the root user.

      8. Run the script:

    • For Oracle Linux 5 instances:

      1. Download the following script using wget:

        wget http://http-repo-server:port/patchrepo/scripts/
      2. Add execute permissions to the downloaded script:

        chmod +x
      3. Update the instance using the script:

      4. Download the kernel header package using wget:

        wget http://http-repo-server:port/patchrepo/additional_packages/kernel-headers-2.6.18-417.
      5. Install the kernel header package:

        rpm -ivh --force kernel-headers-2.6.18-417.

Patch Your 16.1.2 Instances to 16.3.1

  1. Log in to the instance you want to patch as the root user.

  2. Navigate to the /etc/yum.repos.d directory

    cd /etc/yum.repos.d
  3. Download the exalogic.repo file from the repository server to your instance:

    wget http://http-repo-server:port/patchrepo/template/exalogic.repo
  4. Remove cached packages or headers:

    yum clean all
  5. Run the yum update command to upgrade your instance:

    yum update --disableexcludes=main -y
  6. Verify that the instance has been updated to the new version by running the imageinfo command:

    In this example, the instance was patched from 16.1.2 to 16.3.1.

    Oracle Public Cloud Machine 16.3.1
    Image version : 16.3.1