Updating an Orchestration

You can modify the configuration parameters for the instances in an orchestration. To update an orchestration, you must stop the orchestration.

  1. Log in to the UI and go to the Self Service Portal.
  2. In the Self Service Portal, click the Home tab.
  3. In the Services section, click the orchestration that you want to update.
    The Oracle Compute Orchestration page is displayed.
  4. In the Oracle Compute Orchestration menu, click Update.
    The Orchestration: Deployment Configuration wizard is displayed.
  5. In the Request Orchestration: General step, you can edit the orchestration description and schedule.
    Click Next.
  6. In the Request Orchestration: Deployment Configuration step, you can edit the existing launch plans and instances configuration, and you can also add more launch plans and instances.
    See Creating Instances Using Orchestrations with Custom Configurations for more information about the launch plan and instance configuration parameters.

    Click Next.

  7. Review the configuration parameters for the orchestration, and click Submit to submit the update orchestration request.

Updating an Orchestration Using the CLI or API

Download a recent copy of the orchestration in JSON format to a file, and then make the necessary changes to the file.

To update an orchestration, the orchestration must be in the Stopped state. You can download the details of a specific orchestration using the following command:

oracle-compute download orchestration name [--filename]

Edit the orchestration file and replace the orchestration file using the following command:

oracle-compute update orchestration name [--filename] [--oplan_label] [--ha_policy]

For more information, see CLI Reference for Oracle Compute Cloud Service.

To update an orchestration using the API, use the PUT https://api.oc.example.com/orchestration/name method.

For more information, see REST API Reference for Oracle Compute Cloud Service.