Creating Instances Using a Simple Orchestration

You can use the simple orchestration option from the UI when you want to create one or more instances with the default configuration and minimum input. The simple orchestration option is available only from the UI.


To create a simple orchestration, you must have the following:

  • Template

    OPCM provides two machine images for Oracle Linux 5.11 and 6.5. The images are optimized for OPCM and include the essential packages that are necessary to get started using the instance that you create in Oracle Compute Cloud Service.

  • Network configuration

    Specify one or more network interfaces to be attached to the instance. At least one network interface must be configured. See Managing Networks.

  1. Log in to the UI and go to the Self Service Portal.
  2. In the Self Service Portal, click the Home tab.
  3. In the Services section, click Request New Service.
    The Request New Service window is displayed.
  4. Click Select in the Simple Orchestration offering.
    The Request Simple Orchestration page is displayed.
  5. Select a site from the Oracle Compute Site list.
  6. In the Name field, enter the name of the orchestration.
  7. Select a template from the Oracle Compute Template list.
  8. Enter the number of instances to create.
  9. Select the High Availability (HA) policy. The policy can be Active or Monitor. If HA is not required, then select No High Availability.
  10. Select a shape from the list.
    A shape is a resource profile that specifies the number of CPUs and the amount of memory to be allocated to an instance in Oracle Compute Cloud Service.
  11. In the Network Configuration section, click Add to add a network. You can select either a tenant network or service network to be assigned to the instance. If a reserved IP is available, then you can choose an IP address for static assignment to the instance.
  12. Select to start the orchestration immediately or schedule when to start and end the orchestration.
  13. Click Submit.