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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Platform Security Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use PolicyStoreException   


Uses of PolicyStoreException in


Subclasses of PolicyStoreException in
 class ApplicationRoleInUseException
          This exception is thrown when an application role to be deleted is referenced by other application roles.
 class ExternalPolicyObjectException
 class PolicyObjectAlreadyExistsException
          This exception is thrown when a specific policy object (grantee, role etc) already exists in the policy store
 class PolicyObjectNotFoundException
          This exception is thrown when a policy object (grantee, role etc) does not exist in the policy store.
 class PolicyStoreConfigException
 class PolicyStoreConnectivityException
          This exception is thrown when an underlying connectivity issue happens.
 class PolicyStoreContainerNotReadyException
 class PolicyStoreOperationNotAllowedException
          An exception thrown by the PolicyStore M-APIs that indicate the store operation was not allowed.
 class ResourceFinderException
          This is a resource finder related exception that is thrown when a ResourceFinder cannot be instantiated or invoked by JPS.


Methods in that throw PolicyStoreException
static void PolicyStoreUtil.addAppRolesToSubject( subject)
 void ApplicationPolicy.addPrincipalToAppRole(PrincipalEntry principalEntry, java.lang.String appRoleName)
          Adds this principal as member to this app role
 void ApplicationPolicy.addPrincipalToAppRole( principal, java.lang.String appRoleName)
          Adds this principal as member to this app role
static void PolicyStoreUtil.addPrincipalToAppRole(java.lang.String appID, principal, java.lang.String appRoleName)
 void ApplicationPolicy.alterAppRole(java.lang.String appRoleName, java.lang.String newDescription, java.lang.String newDisplayName)
          Alters an application Role's display Name and description These paramters are not used to compare two application roles for similarity An application Role's name or GUID are unique/ immutable properties NOTE: Supplying "null" to Description or Display Name will replace previous Description/ Display Name with "null"
 void ApplicationPolicy.alterAppRoleCategory(java.lang.String appRoleName, java.lang.String newCategory)
          Alters an application Role's category An application Role's name or GUID are unique/ immutable properties NOTE: Supplying "null" to category will replace previous category with "null"
 java.util.Set<ResourceActionsEntry> PolicyStore.checkBulkAuthorization( subject, java.util.Set<ResourceActionsEntry> requestedResources)
          Determines whether the subject has access one or more Resource Actions.
static boolean PolicyStoreUtil.checkPermission(java.lang.String appID, subject, perm)
 boolean ApplicationPolicy.containsAppRole(java.lang.String appRoleName)
          checks if this app role exists.
static boolean PolicyStoreUtil.containsAppRole(java.lang.String appID, java.lang.String name)
 boolean ApplicationPolicy.containsPrincipalAsMember(java.lang.String appRoleName, principal)
          Checks if this principal is a member of this app role
static boolean PolicyStoreUtil.containsPrincipalAsMember(java.lang.String appID, java.lang.String appRoleName, principal)
 ApplicationPolicy PolicyStore.createApplicationPolicy(java.lang.String appId)
          Creates an application policy given the application name - appid.
 void ApplicationPolicy.createAppRole(java.lang.String appRoleName, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String desc, ExtendedProperty appRoleAttributes)
          Creates the requested application role in the policy store with extended attributes.
 void ApplicationPolicy.createAppRole(java.lang.String appRoleName, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String guid)
          Creates the requested application role in policy store.
 void ApplicationPolicy.createAppRole(java.lang.String appRoleName, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String guid, ExtendedProperty appRoleAttributes)
          Creates the requested application role in the policy store with extended attributes.
static void PolicyStoreUtil.createAppRole(java.lang.String appID, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String guid)
 void PolicyStore.deleteApplicationPolicy(java.lang.String appId)
          Delete an application policy given the application name - appid.
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> ApplicationPolicy.getAllAppRoleEntries()
          Returns all app role entries
 java.util.List<JpsApplicationRole> ApplicationPolicy.getAllAppRoles()
          Returns the list of all the application roles in this application context.
static java.util.List<JpsApplicationRole> PolicyStoreUtil.getAllAppRoles(java.lang.String appID)
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> ApplicationPolicy.getAllGrantedAppRoleEntries( principal)
          Returns all the granted app role entries for this principal where the principal is either a direct member or indirect member through other app roles.
 java.util.List<JpsApplicationRole> ApplicationPolicy.getAllGrantedAppRoles( principal)
          Returns all the granted app roles for this principal where the principal is either a direct member or indirect member through other app roles.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ApplicationPolicy> PolicyStore.getApplicationPolicies()
          Deprecated. Use getApplicationPolicy(String appId) Returns a map of applications and their policies managed by this PolicyStore This may in turn be queried for application roles, and policies provisioned for a given application
 ApplicationPolicy PolicyStore.getApplicationPolicy(java.lang.String appId)
          Returns a application policy for the given application by this PolicyStore
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> PolicyStore.getAppRoles(StoreAppRoleSearchQuery query)
          Search ApplicationRoles across one or more Applications based upon user specified criteria (query)
Caller should have PolicyStoreAccessPermission("context=APPLICATION,name=Queried Applicaiton's stripe Id" , "getApplicationPolicy") permission to search for roles.
If the caller does not supply an application name (or supplies a partial application name with some MATCHER other than EXACT) then they should have PolicyStoreAccessPermission("context=APPLICATION, name=*" , "getApplicationPolicy") to search for app roles.
 java.util.List<> ApplicationPolicy.getAppRolesMembers(java.lang.String appRoleName)
          Returns the list of principals granted to this application role.
static java.util.List<> PolicyStoreUtil.getAppRolesMembers(java.lang.String appID, java.lang.String name)
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> PolicyStore.getConfiguredApplications()
 java.util.List<JpsApplicationRole> ApplicationPolicy.getGrantedAppRoles( principal)
          Returns all the granted app roles for this principal where the principal is a direct member of the App Role.
static java.util.List<JpsApplicationRole> PolicyStoreUtil.getGrantedAppRoles( principal)
 java.util.List<GrantEntry> PolicyMgmt.getGrantEntries()
          Get all the grants defined in this scope (system or application).
static PolicyStoreUtil.getPermissions(java.lang.String appID, subject)
 JavaPolicy PolicyStore.getSystemPolicy()
          Returns the "system" or "non-app-specific" or "global" policy
 void PolicyMgmt.grant(java.util.List<PrincipalEntry> principalEntries, CodeSourceEntry csEntry, java.util.List<PermissionEntry> permissionEntries)
          Grant a set of permissions to this group of principals and code source, or otherwise collectively known as the grantee.
 void PolicyMgmt.grant([] principals, cs,[] perms)
          Grant a set of permissions to this group of principals and code source, or otherwise collectively known as the grantee.
static void PolicyStoreUtil.grant([] principals, cs,[] perms)
static void PolicyStoreUtil.grant(java.lang.String appID,[] principals, cs,[] perms)
static boolean PolicyStoreUtil.hasPermission( subject, perm)
 void PolicyStore.modifyApplicationPolicy(ApplicationPolicy app)
          Modify an application policy in the persistence store.
 void PolicyMgmt.modifyGrant(java.util.List<PrincipalEntry> principalEntries, CodeSourceEntry csEntry, PermissionEntry oldpermissionEntry, PermissionEntry newPermissionEntry)
          Modifies a grant by replacing the permission in an existing grant with a given permission if not already present.
 void ApplicationPolicy.removeAppRole(java.lang.String appRoleName)
          Removes the application role from policy store.
 void ApplicationPolicy.removeAppRole(java.lang.String appRoleName, boolean force)
          Removes the application role from policy store.
static void PolicyStoreUtil.removeAppRole(java.lang.String appID, java.lang.String name)
 void ApplicationPolicy.removePrincipalFromAppRole(PrincipalEntry principalEntry, java.lang.String appRoleName)
          Removes this principal from this appRoleName
 void ApplicationPolicy.removePrincipalFromAppRole( principal, java.lang.String appRoleName)
          Removes this principal from this appRoleName
static void PolicyStoreUtil.removePrincipalFromAppRole(java.lang.String appID, principal, java.lang.String appRoleName)
 void PolicyMgmt.revoke(java.util.List<PrincipalEntry> principalEntries, CodeSourceEntry csEntry, java.util.List<PermissionEntry> permissionEntries)
          Revoke a grant of permissions from this set of principals and codesource combination
 void PolicyMgmt.revoke([] principals, cs,[] perms)
          Revoke a grant of permissions from this set of principals and codesource combination.
static void PolicyStoreUtil.revoke([] principals, cs,[] perms)
static void PolicyStoreUtil.revoke(java.lang.String appID,[] principals, cs,[] perms)
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> ApplicationPolicy.searchAppRoles(java.lang.String appRoleName)
          This method returns a list of application roles by an app role name.
static java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> PolicyStoreUtil.searchAppRoles(java.lang.String appID, java.lang.String rolenameExp)
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> ApplicationPolicy.searchAppRoles(java.lang.String roleAttrName, java.lang.String roleAttrNameVal, boolean inequality)
          This method searches application roles by an attribute and its value.


Constructors in that throw PolicyStoreException
RoleAdminPermission(java.lang.String rolename)
RoleAdminPermission(java.lang.String rolename, java.lang.String actions)
          Construct an instance of a RoleAdminPermission.


Uses of PolicyStoreException in


Methods in that throw PolicyStoreException
 EntryReference PermissionSetManager.createPermissionSet(PermissionSetEntry permSet)
          Create a PermissionSet
 EntryReference ResourceManager.createResource(ResourceEntry resrc)
          Create a Resource
 EntryReference ResourceTypeManager.createResourceType(ResourceTypeEntry entry)
          Validates and creates the given resource type in the backend data store.
 EntryReference RoleCategoryManager.createRoleCategory(RoleCategoryEntry entry)
          Validates and creates the given role category in the backend data store.
 void PermissionSetManager.deletePermissionSet(EntryReference ref, boolean cascade)
          Delete a PermissionSet
 void ResourceManager.deleteResource(EntryReference res, boolean cascadeDelete)
          Deletes a Resource
 void ResourceTypeManager.deleteResourceType(EntryReference rtRef, boolean cascadeDelete)
          Deletes the resource type.
 void RoleCategoryManager.deleteRoleCategory(EntryReference rcRef)
          Deletes the role category.
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> ChangeLogManager.getApplicationRoles(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
          Returns the added AND modified roles in the current application policy after the timestamp specified in the query The timestamp must be obtained from the API: ChangeLogManager.getLastModifiedTimeStamp(String, ChangeLogEntity)
Note that the returned list may contain duplicates of Application Roles returned earlier.
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> ChangeLogManager.getDeletedAppRoles(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
          Returns all approles deleted from the current application policy after the supplied timestamp
 java.util.List<PermissionEntry> ChangeLogManager.getDeletedPermissions(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
          Returns all permissions deleted from the current application policy after the supplied timestamp.
 java.util.List<GrantEntry> GrantManager.getGrants(GrantSearchQuery query)
          Query the store to retrieve Grants based upon a search criteria.
 java.util.List<GrantEntry> GrantManager.getGrantsForApplicationRoles(java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> appRoleNameEntries, boolean order)
          Search for Grants based on one or more Application Roles.
 java.util.List<GrantEntry> GrantManager.getGrantsForApplicationRolesAndPermissionSets(java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> appRoleNameEntries, boolean appRoleOrder, java.util.List<PermissionSetEntry> permissionSetEntries, boolean permSetOrder)
          Search for Grants based on Application Roles AND Permission Sets.
 java.util.List<GrantEntry> GrantManager.getGrantsForPermissionSets(java.util.List<PermissionSetEntry> permissionSetEntries, boolean order)
          Search for Grants based on a PermissionSet.
 java.lang.String ChangeLogManager.getLastModifiedTimeStamp(java.lang.String oldtimeStamp, ChangeLogManager.ChangeLogEntity ent)
          Gets the last known time stamp (of change) to the ChangeLogEntity ent after the timeStamp provided.
 PermissionSetEntry PermissionSetManager.getPermissionSet(java.lang.String permissionSetName)
          Get a PermissionSet by Name.
 java.util.List<PermissionSetEntry> PermissionSetManager.getPermissionSets(PermissionSetSearchQuery query)
          Query PermissionSets based upon a search criteria.
 java.util.List<GrantEntry> ChangeLogManager.getPolicies(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
          Returns the added AND modified policies (grant entries) in the current application policy after the timestamp specified in the query The timestamp must be obtained from the API: ChangeLogManager.getLastModifiedTimeStamp(String, ChangeLogEntity)
Note that the returned list may contain duplicates of grantes already returned earlier.
 ResourceEntry ResourceFinder.getResource(java.lang.String resourceTypeName, java.lang.String name)
          Get the resource given the name and the type of the resource.
 java.util.List<ResourceEntry> ResourceFinder.getResources(java.lang.String resourceTypeName, ResourceSearchQuery query)
          Search for resources based on SearchQuery.
 ResourceTypeEntry ResourceTypeManager.getResourceType(java.lang.String name)
          Get the resource type entry given name of the resource type.
 java.util.List<ResourceTypeEntry> ResourceTypeManager.getResourceTypes(ResourceTypeSearchQuery query)
          Gets all the resource types satisfying the query in the current scope (system/ application).
 java.util.List<RoleCategoryEntry> RoleCategoryManager.getRoleCategories(RoleCategorySearchQuery query)
          Gets all the role categories satisfying the query in the current scope (system/ application).
 RoleCategoryEntry RoleCategoryManager.getRoleCategory(java.lang.String name)
          Get the role category entry given name of the role category.
 void GrantManager.grant(java.util.Set<PrincipalEntry> principalEntries, CodeSourceEntry csEntry, java.lang.String permissionSetName)
          Grant a named PermissionSet to this group of principals and code source, or otherwise collectively known as the grantee.
 void PermissionSetManager.modifyPermissionSet(EntryReference ref,[] modItems)
          Modify the PermissionSet.
 void PermissionSetManager.modifyPermissionSet(EntryReference ref, ResourceActionsEntry resourceActionsToAdd, ResourceActionsEntry resourceActionsToDelete)
          Modify the PermissionSet
 void ResourceManager.modifyResource(EntryReference res,[] modItems)
          Modifies a Resource
 void ResourceTypeManager.modifyResourceType(EntryReference rtRef,[] modItems)
          Modifies the resource type referred by rtRef.
 void RoleCategoryManager.modifyRoleCategory(EntryReference rcRef,[] modItems)
          Modifies the role category referred by rcRef.
<T> T
EntityManager.resolveReference(EntryReference reference, java.lang.Class<T> klass)
          Given a reference to an entity, return a copy from the persistent store.
 void GrantManager.revoke(java.util.Set<PrincipalEntry> principalEntries, CodeSourceEntry csEntry, java.lang.String permissionSetName)
          Revoke a grant of a PermissionSet from this set of principals and codesource combination


Uses of PolicyStoreException in


Methods in that throw PolicyStoreException
 void PermissionSetEntry.addResourceActions(ResourceActionsEntry resAct)
          Add a ResourceActions.


Uses of PolicyStoreException in


Subclasses of PolicyStoreException in
 class InvalidArgumentException


Uses of PolicyStoreException in


Subclasses of PolicyStoreException in
 class ResourceWithoutTypeException


Uses of PolicyStoreException in


Methods in that throw PolicyStoreException
static java.util.Set<ResourceActionsEntry> JpsAuth.checkBulkAuthorization( subject, java.util.Set<ResourceActionsEntry> requestedResources)
          Determines whether the subject has access one or more Resource Actions.
static java.util.Set<JpsApplicationRole> JpsAuth.getAllGrantedAppRoles( subject, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> applications)
          Returns a set of application roles that have been granted to a subject, directly or indirectly, for the specified application stripes.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Platform Security Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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