

tadm create-event common_options [--no-enabled] --config=config_name 
--command=restart|reconfig|rotate-log|rotate-access-log|update-crl|commandline ((--time=hh:mm [--month=1-12] 
[--day-of-week=sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat] [--day-of-month=1-31]) | --interval=number_of_seconds))


Use this command to create a new event. Additionally, you can set a specific time and interval for scheduling automatic instance reconfiguration. You can also create an event to restart and reconfigure all running instances, rotate access and error logs, and update the certificate revocation list. Also, you can provide the absolute path to a file to be executed.


For information about common_options, run the help command.


Specify this option to disable the event at runtime.


Specify the name of the configuration for which you want to create the event.


Specify the command that the event executes. The value can be restart, reconfig, rotate-log, rotate-access-log, and update-crl, or any executable command.


Specify the time, for example, 12:30, when you want this event to start. The format of the time is hh:mm.


Specify the month when you want this event to occur. The range of values is 1 to 12.


Specify the day of the week when you want this event to occur. The values can be Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, or Sat.


Specify the day of the month when you want this event to occur. The range of values is 1 to 31.


Specify the time interval at which you want this event to occur. The range of values is 60 to 86400 seconds.


tadm create-event --user=admin --password-file=./admin.passwd --port=8989 --no-prompt 
--no-enabled=true --command=rotate-log 

Exit Codes

The following exit values are returned:

0: command executed successfully

>0: error in executing the command

For more information about exit codes and syntax notations, run the help command.

See Also

help, delete-event, list-events, disable-event, enable-event