

tadm create-virtual-sever common_options [--http-listener=name] [--host-pattern=pattern1,pattern2...] 
[--canonical-server-name=hostname][--log-file=path] --origin-server-pool=name --config=config_name virtual_server_name


Use this command to creat22e a new virtual server. All virtual servers have an HTTP listener specified. When a new request comes in, the Oracle Traffic Director determines which virtual server to send it to, based on the configured HTTP listener.


For information about common_options, run the help command.


Specify the name of an HTTP listener associated with one or more of the virtual server's host names.


The property http-listener enables you to specify multiple values, with each value enclosed in quotes and separated by commas. For example: http-listener="http_listener1", "http-listener2"


Define a list of hosts to be added to the new virtual server.


The property host-pattern enables you to specify multiple values, with each value enclosed in quotes and separated by commas.


Specify a canonical host name of the virtual server. Requests that use a different host name are redirected to this host name.


Specifies the log file for the virtual server. The value is the log file name, for example, ../logs/errors.


Specify the name of the origin-server pool for which you want to create a virtual-server.


Specify the configuration where you want to create a new virtual server.



Specify the name of the virtual server.


tadm create-virtual-server --user=admin  --password-file=./admin.passwd --port=8989 
--no-prompt --origin-server-pool=test-pool virtual-server-1

Exit Codes

The following exit values are returned:

0: command executed successfully

>0: error in executing the command

For more information about exit codes and syntax notations, run the help command.

See Also

help, set-virtual-server-prop, delete-virtual-server, get-virtual-server-prop, list-virtual-servers, copy-virtual-server