

tadm remove-node common_options [--force] --node=node_name


Use this command to remove a registered node from the administration server. This node does not show up in the list of nodes, as it is no longer managed by the administration server.


For information about common_options, run the help command.


Specify this option to remove a node. It will try to delete instances that are deployed on the node. Also, if the node is down, the force option would remove the node.


Specify the name of the node that you want to remove.


tadm remove-node --user=admin --password-file=./admin.passwd --port=8989 --no-prompt

Exit Codes

The following exit values are returned:

0: command executed successfully

>0: error in executing the command

For more information about exit codes and syntax notations, run the help command.

See Also

help, list-nodes