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Servers: Monitoring: JTA: Summary

Monitoring Options     Related Tasks     Related Topics

This page shows the summary of all transaction information for all resource types on the server.

Monitoring Options

Name Description
Transactions Total Count

The total number of transactions processed. This total includes all committed, rolled back, and heuristic transaction completions since the server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Transactions Committed Total Count

The total number of transactions committed since the server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Transactions Rolled Back Total Count

The number of transactions that were rolled back since the server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Transactions Rolled Back for Timeout Total Count

The number of transactions that were rolled back due to a timeout expiration.

MBean Attribute:

Transactions Rolled Back for Resource Errors Total Count

The number of transactions that were rolled back due to a resource error.

MBean Attribute:

Transactions Rolled Back for Application Errors Total Count

The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an application error.

MBean Attribute:

Transactions Rolled Back for System Errors Total Count

The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an internal system error.

MBean Attribute:

Heuristic Completions Total Count

The number of transactions that completed with a heuristic status since the server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Abandoned Transactions Total Count

The total number of transactions that were abandoned since the server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Transaction No Resources Committed Total Count

The total number of transactions with no enlisted resources that were committed since the server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Transaction One Resource One Phase Committed Total Count

The total number of transactions with only one enlisted resource that were one-phase committed since the server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Transaction Read Only One Phase Committed Total Count

The total number of transactions with more than one enlisted resource that were one-phase committed due to read-only optimization since the server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Transaction Two Phase Committed Total Count

The total number of transactions with more than one enlisted resource that were two-phase committed since the server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Transaction LLR Committed Total Count

The total number of LLR transactions that were committed since the server was started.

MBean Attribute:

Active Transactions Total Count

The number of active transactions on the server.

MBean Attribute:

Related Tasks

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