About the System Usage page

The System Usage page of the Control Panel provides access to summary information on project usage logs.

Top portion of the System Usage page

The page is divided into the following sections:

Section Description
Summary totals At the top right of the page are the total number of:
  • Users in the system
  • Sessions that have occurred
  • Projects
Date range fields Contains fields to set the range of dates for which to display report data.
Current number of users and sessions Lists the number of users that were logged in and the number of sessions for the date range that you specify.
Number of sessions over time Report showing the number of sessions that have been active for the date range that you specify

Includes a list to set the date unit to use for the chart.

User Activity Report that initially shows the top 10 number of sessions per user for the selected date range across all projects. You can click on any bars in this chart to drill down into the reporting data.
At the top of the report are lists to select:
  • A specific user, or all users
  • A specific project, or all projects
  • Whether to display the top or bottom values (most or least sessions)
  • The number of values to display
Project Usage Report that initially shows the top 10 number of sessions per project for the selected date range across all projects. You can click on any bars in this chart to drill down into the reporting data.
At the top of the report are lists to select:
  • A specific project, or all projects
  • Whether to display the top or bottom values (most or least sessions)
  • The number of values to display
System Contains a pie chart that shows the relative number of sessions by browser type and version for the selected date range.