Dgraph Gateway log entry format

This topic describes the format of Dgraph Gateway log entries, including their message types and log levels.

The following is an example of an error message:
[2016-03-29T06:23:05.360-04:00] [EndecaServer] [ERROR] [OES-000066] 
[com.endeca.features.ws.ConfigPortImpl] [host: bus04.example.com] [nwaddr:]
[tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] 
[userId: nsmith] [ecid: 0000LF1tV0X7y0kpSwXBic1My_Qv00002I,0] OES-000066: Service error: 
java.lang.Exception: OES-000188: Error contacting the config service on dgraph 
http://bus04.example.com:7010: Database 'default_edp_f9332e56-2c29-4b77-bbf0-25730a5368bc' 
does not exist.
The format of the Dgraph Gateway log fields (using the above example) and their descriptions are as follows:
Log entry field Description Example
Timestamp The date and time when the message was generated. This reflects the local time zone. [2016-03-29T06:23:05.360-04:00]
Component ID The ID of the component that originated the message. "EndecaServer" is hard-coded for the Dgraph Gateway. [EndecaServer]
Message Type The type of message (log level):
Message ID The message ID that uniquely identifies the message within the component. The ID consists of the prefix OES (representing the component), followed by a dash, then a number. [OES-000066]
Module ID The Java class that prints the message entry. [com.endeca.features.ws.ConfigPortImpl]
Host name The name of the host where the message originated. [host: bus04.example.com]
Host address The network address of the host where the message originated [nwaddr:]
Thread ID The ID of the thread that generated the message. [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '24' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)']
User ID The name of the user whose execution context generated the message. [userId: nsmith]
ECID The Execution Context ID (ECID), which is a global unique identifier of the execution of a particular request in which the originating component participates. [ecid: 0000KVrPS^C1FgUpM4^Aye1JxPgK000000,0]
Message Text The text of the log message. OES-000066: Service error: ...]